I am reading an article and someone made a reference to the Harry Potter movies.
They said:
The Harry Potter series gets increasingly dark and disturbing as it goes on and again is a veritable college course in Luciferian beliefs and symbols.
In a way, they are right, in that the series gets increasingly “adult” as it goes on but, for me, that is part of the charm of the series.
It grows as the kids grow.
They are also right that there is a lot of esoteric information in the series.
But that also, for me, is part of the realism of the books.
It does not push me to want to delve into the dark arts but does explain the constant battle between good and evil.
Good triumphs, of course.
But the charms and curses are “real”.
I was rereading what the GWB said to us about how to do teleportation.
Basically, they said that, as there is only one spot – space being an illusion, – if we could concentrate enough on wanting to move from one spot to another, and we concentrated with all our attention on the new spot, we could jump to that spot. Without moving in between.
They emphasised concentration and forgetting everything else but the desired place to arrive at.
In other words, we overcome the illusion of space.
This is more or less exactly what Apparition is:
Destination, fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination.
Determination, focus your determination to occupy the visualised space.
Deliberation. feel your way into nothingness.
You must forget everything else but the desired location.
So, JK Rowling was describing exactly the same concept.
Shield charms are also real and work like the shield charms we can do.
Levitation is also well described.
She put in a spell, Wingardium Leviosa, but it really is the degree of concentration that makes it work.
Everything has a unique frequency but if we concentrate enough on a feather, for example, we can overcome its own frequency and make it accept our frequency, at which point we can take control of it.
We can do that with people as well, which she calls the Imperious curse.
We can override a person’s frequency and make them accept our frequency, at which point we have control of them.
Invisibility is much the same.
We control someone and make them think that we are not there.
That is the thing about Hogwarts.
The kids really are taught how to concentrate with all their mind on what they want to achieve.
So, what the GWB will teach us if we ask and what the kids at Hogwarts are taught is the same thing – concentration.
Is it possible that the GWB influenced Ms. Rowling to write the books?
They were telling us how to learn concentration. Disguised as magic, of course.
Concentration can be used for good or for evil.
It is up to us.
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