How Many People Are Part Of The Great White Brotherhood?

I asked if the Great White Brotherhood could tell me roughly how many they were in heaven and how many we are on Earth.


It is difficult to answer either of these questions because some of the members are on the same plane as me, who is replying to you, and many are on higher, or indeed lower planes than me and thus are invisible to me. But, rest assured that we are numerous, sufficient for our purposes, and we are able, collectively, to fulfill our mission.

With regards to earthly instruments, sadly you are not many.
There are a few spread around the world that act in a similar capacity to you, providing written and spoken in information to the world. There are others who concentrate more on providing spiritual upliftment and would be unknown to the public.

This second group is guided by other members of the Great White Brotherhood and, although we are aware of the message being passed down to these people, we (I) do not know the exact number.

However, we are making strenuous efforts to augment all people on Earth as we need more contacts.

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