This lesson on telepathy is from a section of the book – The Illusion Of Life; Chapter 5.
To learn more, please refer to the book.
As you may know from the various books and messages transmitted from us in the 4th to someone in the 6th, telepathy is another method of receiving ‘sound’. We could call it hearing and in a way, it is because information is passed back and forth between at least two people but not using speech and not using the ears.
So let us describe how telepathy works.
We all have at least two frequencies inherit in us. The first is the frequency of the dimension in which we live and the other is the personal frequency of the individual either transmitting or receiving the information.
In a way it is remarkably similar to the way the modern telephone system works.
In this case, a person in one country desires to contact someone else in a different country, for example.
So, the first person dials the country code of the person he wishes to contact and then he dials the unique number of that person or telephone. If all goes well, the telephonic system makes the connection and a conversation takes place.
In the case of telepathy, this type of system can be used.
Let us assume that the telepathic communication is to take place between two people living in different dimensions.
The caller, if we may thus call the person desirous of contacting someone, must know the frequency of the dimension in which the recipient of the call lives and he adjusts his frequency to that of the recipient’s dimension.
Then he must know the actual frequency of the recipient.
He then adjusts his personal frequency to that of the recipient.
Because he is now of the same frequency as the person he wishes to call, he can reach out and contact the person through his auras. So the recipient becomes aware that someone is trying to contact him.
In turn, he, the recipient, reaches out with an aura and, when he touches the aura of the caller, adjusts his frequency to match the frequency of the caller.
We have not explained this very well so we will try again and make it clearer.
The caller must know the two frequencies of the person he wishes to call. First, he must know the frequency of the dimension of the person he wishes to contact.
Let us suppose that someone from the 4th wishes to contact a person in the 6th dimension (incarnation). All people incarnate resonate to the same frequency, that of planet Earth, which we could liken to the country code in a normal telephone system.
So, he adjusts his frequency and changes it, matching the frequency of the dimension of the receiver of the call; planet Earth.
Then he must know the unique frequency of the person he wishes to contact.
This corresponds to the actual personal number of a telephone.
He reaches out through his aura and tries to make the person he wishes to contact aware that he does, indeed, wish to contact that person. That part would correspond to a telephone starting to ring.
At that point, assuming that the receiver of the call is aware that someone is contacting him, he reaches out with his aura and the two auras (the message sender and the message receiver) combine and the receiver of the call adjusts his frequency to the code or frequency of the message sender’s dimension and adjusts his frequency also to the unique frequency of the message sender.
So, in a way, the frequencies are reversed.
The sender adjusts his frequency to that of the receiver while the receiver adjusts his frequency to that of the sender.
Now, here comes the magical bit in telepathy.
The two sets of frequencies, one from the caller and one from the receiver, meet in the middle so to speak. They blend and that blending creates a third set of frequencies.
This third set of frequencies is neither that of the caller nor that of the receiver. It is a totally different set of frequencies created by blending the frequencies sent by the caller and the frequencies sent by the receiver.
Although, as we said, both the caller and the receiver exchange frequencies, this third set of frequencies, no longer corresponding to either the frequencies of the caller or the receiver, happens for two reasons.
First, it creates a sort of scrambled frequency that makes it almost impossible for anyone else to eavesdrop on the conversation, and second, it allows both the caller and the receiver to return to their dimension’s frequency and their personal frequency.
This third frequency is separate from the sender and the receiver’s personal frequencies and is a sort of scrambled, private connection allowing two people to communicate using what is called telepathy.
It sounds complicated, and it is, but if one learns telepathy, it can act fairly automatically.
Let us consider what happens in the case of, eventually, sending or receiving these books.
Someone in the Great White Brotherhood locates someone incarnate, studies that person for a long while – through the auspices of the individual incarnates guide – and selects him as a future helper for the Great White Brotherhood.
Without that individual knowing, he will be pushed to take up meditation and pushed to develop any skill that might be required.
Gradually, again without the student realising what is going on, telepathy might be introduced to him.
All this goes on slowly, carefully and over a number of years without the student in incarnation having any idea that what he is doing is being suggested from spirit. The student thinks that it is all his own idea.
Now, as you might have guessed, as the student was introduced to a teacher by the student’s guide, the teacher will know the personal frequency of the student. Of course, the teacher will already know the quiescent frequency of planet Earth – the first part of the ‘telephone number’, matching a country code.
Thus, he can touch the student’s auras and influence the student, even if the student has no idea of what is going on.
This is all done in secret so that the student might accept the concepts of spiritual advancement or turn and reject them.
If the student rejects any idea of development of spirituality, the teacher withdraws and seeks someone else.
But, if the student accepts and enjoys spiritual development, the teacher, in conjunction with other teachers, will push the student, using ‘one-way telepathy’ so to speak, to greater lengths of development.
Eventually, if all goes well and when the time is ripe, the teacher will introduce himself to the student, at which point the student receives automatically the codes or frequencies of the teacher and the beginnings of two-way telepathy can occur.
Then, once again, gradually, the teacher will find a way of fully teaching the student telepathy.
It is rare that any teacher in the spiritual realms will hold formal lessons as might be done in a classroom in a traditional school in incarnation.
The teacher will find a means of appearing to show the student one thing whilst actually teaching the student what he really wants him to learn.
This might sound a bit sneaky, but we have found it to be the best way of teaching.
So, in this case, the student will learn telepathy.
So far, we have just spoken about one-on-one communication, but it is possible to hold conferences using telepathy.
Let us, for the sake of explaining this simply, imagine two people in the upper 4th wishing to communicate with one person incarnate.
We mentioned earlier that in the case of a one-to-one communication a third, independent, frequency was generated that used neither of the participant’s original frequencies.
Well, in the case of a conference type communication (two people speaking to one person), the second communicant needs to link to the person in incarnation and yet another third frequency is generated completely independent to the third frequency of the original communicants.
This sounds complicated, so let us explain again.
If one person in the 4th wishes to communicate with a person in incarnation in the 6th, a third frequency was generated that could only be used by those two people.
If a second person wishes to join in, let’s say a second person from the 4th who wishes also to talk to the person in incarnation in the 6th, that second person must, separately, contact the person incarnate and another third frequency is generated exclusive to that person and the person on Earth.
So, the first guide, shall we call him, can talk to the student incarnate but cannot hear what the second guide is saying to the student because each communication is scrambled, private.
This presents a problem because the first guide can hold a two-way communication with the student on Earth and the second guide can hold a two-way communication between himself and the student, but both sets of communications remain private so that neither guide can hear the other’s communication with the student.
So, to allow each guide to hear each other, another communication channel must be set up between the two guides which creates yet another third frequency.
So, now we have three sets of communications going on.
1. The first guide talking back and forth to the student.
2. The second guide talking back and forth to the student.
3. Now we have a third communication in which each guide can hear each other talking to the student. It is a sort of triangular form of communication.
But how does each guide hear the student’s replies if both sets of communications with the student are private and scrambled?
Well, as you might have guessed, a fourth set of communications is created, and this is complicated to describe.
The fourth circuit is also set up between the two guides so that, when the student replies, say, to the first guide, that students voice is sent via another scrambled channel to the mind of the second guide and vice versa.
So we have this quite complicated sequence of private communications going on that we will explain once again in the hopes of making it clearer.
A guide and a student wish to communicate, and as their own personal frequencies combine but in a reverse sense as we explained, a third frequency is generated which acts as the actual communication channel.
Then, if a second guide wishes also to join in the conversation, he has to set up his own connection with the student that is private just between the second guide and the student.
At this point, a third connection is set up so that the two guides can hear each other as they talk independently to the student.
Finally, a fourth communication is set up so that the student’s voice reaches one guide and is shunted across to the second guide and vice versa.
You can see that conferences are quite complicated and for that reason are seldom used.
Now, we mentioned making calls between the 4th dimension and a person in incarnation in the 6th but it is perfectly possible for all people incarnate to learn to talk telepathically to each other as if they were using telephones, but how many people do you know, on Earth, that have learnt telepathy?
Virtually no one!
People use telephones and that suffices but telepathy is very useful, and as we said, is virtually the only manner in which people on Earth can communicate with us in the upper 4th.
Even then, true telepathy is rare and the vast majority of inhabitants of planet Earth are just using their imaginations and are talking to themselves while pretending that they are talking to some ‘highfalutin’ eminence from some remote planet in a remote galaxy.
Then again, there are one or two people who think that they are in communication with a wise guide but are actually allowing an advanced alien-controlled AI invention installed in the etheric realms to talk through them.
There is also one military ‘God like’ creature that is also AI that communicates with certain people on Earth.
Telepathy is an excellent means of communication but should be used with great discernment as it is easy to be fooled or to fool oneself.
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