Now, the way that I look at it, as it affects my life, is this.
Before I incarnated – for the one and only time – I had a life plan designed for me by my oversoul in conjunction with various guides and whoever sorts all this out.
Unfortunately, at birth, the information, which has been given to my higher self, is kept from my mind and brain for a reason. That reason is that, by stumbling through life, when I get to the point of no return, it is hoped that I would turn to discover the spiritual aspect to my life instead of the purely physical aspect.
In other words, start to use the higher self to direct me instead of my brain.
The brain was never designed to sort things out.
The brain was only designed to put into action decisions taken elsewhere in my make up.
So, after stumbling through life, I discovered meditation.
From there I was able, to a certain extent, to make contact with my higher self.
I learned to let that higher self send messages to my brain and just tell the brain to implement the instructions given from the higher mind.
That is how it is supposed to work.
So, by letting the higher self to direct my life, I am able to follow my life plan and also to know the limitations of just how much I can alter my life to comply with my preferred life.
But, via the information given to me by my higher self, I know that I am not meant to lead a life of plenty and leisure.
I can feel fulfilled by leading the life I have chosen: answering emails all day long, helping people and doing what I can to lead people to the path to God. In other words, a life of hard spiritual work.
That is the life that will be the maximum in the sense of getting the life I really want.
I am not meant to lead a life of idleness and my life plan would prevent me from doing that.
I am talking about me but I am sure that you can understand how it applies to you also.
So, although we can change universes/realities, if we are not meant to be a multimillionaire, it won’t happen. We can only change universes within the life plan that was designed, partly by us but mostly by angelic beings.
Now, we get to the part that is difficult to understand.
If we want peace, why are there wars?
Once again, I will talk just about me, although the same applies to you.
I live in a world that is totally peaceful.
I am a bit in the countryside in a peaceful part of the South of France. There is no violence around me.
My street door is only shut by key when we go to bed – and sometimes we forget and are never burgled.
I am not rich but we manage to pay our bills and we eat every day.
I am getting old but I am still reasonably healthy.
I could go on and on.
But, if I was to go into a bad part of town, it would all change, I should imagine. There are problems there but, for me, where I live, they don’t exist. I live in peace and am at peace.
Can you understand the point?
Wars exist but they do not exist for me.
Hunger exists but not for me.
That is the point that is being made.
If we can accept that we live in an infinitely small space, in a moment of time where there are no problems, what is going on around us is not touching us, unless we want it to or place our focus and attention towards it and bring it into our lives, mentally or physically.
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