How To Deal With Work Colleagues

If I may give a bit of advice, when you go to work, you will be encircled all day by the thoughts and emotions of your work colleagues.
These will be, for the most part, fairly basic Earthly emotions.
People will be thinking about the work that they have to do but, more importantly, they will be thinking about how to get promotion over their work colleagues.
Also they will be thinking of all the problems that they have in their private lives.
Are they cheating on their wives? Are their wives cheating on them? How to pay bills. The problems their kids are causing, and on and on.

These thought forms will be swirling round you all day long and, when you get home, you might be feeling sick, tired and depressed, not from work but from all the dismal emotions you picked up during the day. All you feel like doing is to have a couple of stiff drinks to push reality back a bit.

I found that the trick was to surround myself with this eggshell of protective light that is the same as when one meditates and to try to keep it in place all day long.
It is not easy to work, to talk to people and to visualize this protective shell around oneself at the same time, but it can be done.

That will certainly help.

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