Personally, I use a little square of thin paper, a toothpick and a cork.
I fold the paper so as it may rest on the toothpick (you can find videos on how to do this), then put the toothpick in the cork, stand the cork on a table and put the folded paper on the toothpick.
Then I put my hands on either side of this paper and see if I can make it turn.
You would be surprised how difficult it is to do at first.
I have tried to explain this many times and it is very difficult.
If you can ride a bike, you KNOW that you can. If you can swim, you KNOW that you can. You don’t need any help. You just do it.
Or, as someone once crudely said, if you need to go to the bathroom, you KNOW that you do. You don’t need any instructions on how to do it.
If you quietly, patiently practice, the wheel will start to turn slowly. It takes a long time at first.
Gradually, that confidence grows and it becomes easier and easier.
But just as I can’t teach you how to swim, I can’t teach you how to project your aura into the psi wheel. Like riding a bike, it comes with practice.
What you do is to incorporate that piece of paper into your being, if you see what I mean.
Try it for about 15 minutes, a few times a day and see how you get on.
A variant of this is to make a small, light tube roll towards you or away from you.
Get the sort of tube that some vitamin pills are sold in, place it on a table in front of you and “will” it to move. Once again, this is difficult at first.
Or you can get a small feather and will it to move.
After you have mastered moving those things, you can try to make a feather rise into the air.
So, have a go at all this. But don’t be surprised if you can’t do it at first. Learning to incorporate something into your auras is hard to do.
I cannot help you do it, you must master the technique yourself.
To download this lesson, please click on the link below:
PDF - How To Make And Use A PSI Wheel