My understanding is that, physically, nothing will seem to change. The planet Earth will still be the same. No one is going to disappear to some better planet.
The change will gradually come from a change in mass consciousness.
People will, more and more, become vegetarian, animal rights will be taken for granted.
Free energy will gradually be introduced. Healing will be taken to advanced levels, and so on.
Now, people talk about this “moment” of change as if a sudden event might change everything overnight – and that might happen, but I doubt it.
In my experience, life does not change like that. Change, usually, is gradual.
Spiritual teachers are already doing what they can to give information and teach a better way of living.
So, I expect that, as people find that we don’t need dishonest politicians and replace them with honest ones, people realise that religion was all a scam and so on, these people will be chased from positions of power to be replaced either with nothing, if we don’t need it, or with good people.
However, just to look at religion.
Can you imagine the massive amount of awakening that would need to take place for people to realise that the kingdom of God is within and we don’t need any religion to direct our thoughts?
The stranglehold on many religious people is so strong that I cannot imagine any event that would release it. But it must happen eventually.
Can you imagine all churches being raised to the ground to be replaced with meditation centres? The city of the Vatican emptied of all their priests and their library made public?
It all sounds like “pie in the sky”, so it won’t happen overnight.
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