We are all one.
“I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.”
This statement is about the errors that one has in their life but also asking people to forgive them for their errors. This takes a leap of consciousness to understand.
“To change the world, change yourself”.
This well-known saying is exactly what the previous saying is about.
If I am you and you are me, if you are mentally ill (God forbid), you are ill because of some fault that I have because you and I are one and the same person just pretending to be two separate people.
So, if I change, you will also change because we are one and the same person.
Jesus told us this over 2000 years ago but we still don’t understand.
But, at the same time, you also must recognise that we are one. If you are ill and I am sorry that you are ill (because of some fault that I have) and I ask your forgiveness and try to change, you also must recognise that we are linked and that your illness is because of some fault that I have. Then, if you can accept that I am sorry and that I have corrected the fault, there is no need any longer for you to be ill. So, you will be cured of the illness.
This is old wisdom.
It has been kept from us by the Archons and the evil people because they do not want us to go down that road.
It is, in a way, the law of mutual attraction at work. If you are ill and I have the power to cure your illness by simply eliminating my faults, it means that there is a close interconnection between us.
In fact, we are one and the same person.
So, if I can change, you will be cured.
Now, expand this to all the wars, crime and hate in the world.
If we change and become a more loving and peaceful people, wars must eventually stop.
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