When we are in our normal world, things do seem important but, on the other hand, if all is illusion, is anything really important?
I have often pondered on this subject myself.
Perhaps we can consider this example:
In London, we had a meditation day – free, of course – but many more people turned up than we had expected.
We had offered everyone a free lunch but did not have nearly enough food for all the people that were waiting to be fed.
We had no money to buy extra food so my wife and I set to prepare the meagre rations we had, vegan.
But the food went on and on, until all the people had been fed and there was enough for us and our three children as well.
I seem to remember that there was food left over that we probably gave away to our guests when they left.
It was a bit like Jesus feeding the 5000 with a few loaves and a few fish.
This is a true story which demonstrates that even if all is illusion, it can be manipulated to create what we want.
I can state another example:
When I worked in education, I had organized a slide show but, at the last minute, the only slide projector broke down.
It was a Kodak carousel, as I remember.
The great hall was full of people waiting for me to start.
I gave the machine healing, pushed the go button and it started and thus the lesson took place.
But the next time I checked the machine, it was broken again and had to be sent away for repair.
But, for that one lesson, it worked.
Are they examples of making illusion do what we need?
Actually, now that I think on it, I have many stories where “miracles” have happened.
If the world was not illusion, could miracles happen?
Thanks Bob,
I can appreciate that you are very likely correct it your assessment.
I also agree with the Great White Brotherhood that life must be illusion, if we believe what they are telling us, it has to be illusion, there is no possible way that it would not be.
Now, in your two examples, I am going to assume that you did not know that life was illusion back then, and in the first example you were just doing what you thought you needed to do, and you were given what was needed. In the second example you performed some healing process and I am sure to your relief it worked.
Did you do those things knowing that life is illusion?
Or did you do those things believing that what you were doing was real and provided real results?
You asked if I had heard about the illusion concept?
To be honest, Dr Latimer had told me, many years previously, that life is illusion but had not elaborated on it so I did not really understand what he meant.
So, when we prepared the food, neither my wife nor I had any idea what was going to happen.
We knew we had a house full of people and so we just started to prepare food.
It was only when it was all prepared that we saw that we had enough for everyone and it came as a complete surprise to us.
And yet, in another way, it was not a surprise.
We had faith that we would be helped out but we did not expect the food to go on and on.
This is difficult to explain.
We had faith in God, just as we have today, but had never experienced food coming from nowhere, so that was a surprise to us.
With regard to the slide projector, I had been doing healing for years so, once again I was happy that the machine worked but not altogether surprised.
But healing does not always work.
So, the fact that it did was a life saver to me.
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