Hi Bob,
I was answering some of the backlog of e-mails I had, and someone asked the inevitable question of; if God is the God of love, what do all these bad things happen.
So, I answered them with the following, while also saying that I wasn’t exactly sure, but that I would ask to confirm:
I answered that when God created us (The God of love) that we were a creation of the God force. That does not mean that we were also a creation of only love.
That we were a creation of only the God force and that it had no theme. It is only that the God who created us is exploring the theme of love, but that when we were created billions and billions of years ago, we were points of life.
But because we are created from God, we are connected to that God (the God of Love), so our mission in life – so to speak – is to return to our God – ourselves.
Meaning that we are to return to the state, or theme of love and rejoin our God, ourselves.
If this is true, then it would explain much more about life that we can take on all these other personalities and vibrations, but because we are part and parcel of our God – the God of love – that we feel this desire to return to our God and return to love.
But when we are first created, we have no idea what we are and our journey in life is to discover what we are and to return to God by perfecting ourselves to return to the state of pure love and God.
What do you think?
Good reply but you did not answer why bad things happen.
I would have said something like this.
1. The evil ones are trying desperately to create chaos to slow down ascension, but they will fail.
2. Evil has always been going on but was often hidden. Now the evil ones can no longer hide.
Thanks Bob,
I did discuss about the bad things happening, I just didn’t include that in my response to you because it was the first part about being just a point of life, of consciousness and not a point of consciousness of love that I was not sure about.
So, this certainly helps me to understand and I think now when I think about it more, the book about the kindergarten sphere likely mentions this but I have forgotten and have not read the book in a long time.
So, we are truly “babes in the woods” when we were created by our God, even though our God is the God of love.
The love part of our God is not instilled in the creation of us, just the core essence of what God is – life.
We can take on any personality or theme we want and it does not need to be love, however, as we are created from the God of love, and we must return to the God of love eventually, we are naturally drawn towards love as we travel our individual paths.
However, as the GWB have stated, there are those who reject our God and disappear.
This is starting to make more sense now and will be very helpful to me.
Now, something that has bothered me previously, and I think we have had a discussion on it, is why is it that any point of life that God created and was chosen to become a human would be interested in taking on any particular personality and why would we choose different personalities?
If we were all originally created as single points of life and were made equally before any decision was made to make me or you a human, why would we develop to become different humans?
I assume that it is because we are vibrating at a slightly different frequency, not only when we were in the kindergarten sphere (because if we were not vibrating differently then we would be the same and would not exist as different points of life) but when we were labeled with the logos of a human.
Then, because we were labeled to be a human and because we are vibrating slightly different than every other single point of life that has been labeled to be a human, we develop a slightly different personality, or in some cases, a totally different personality depending on how much our vibration differs from the next human.
If that is not the case, then I don’t know why some humans chose one type of personality and another chooses a different type of personality if we are all created from the one, same point of life.
I would have to think that when all the individual points of life were created all that long time ago and placed in the kindergarten sphere, that there was an unimaginable amount of them and in order for them all to be individual, that would mean that they would all need to be vibrating at different frequencies.
So, if you took one single point of life at one end of the scale of vibration and compared it to the point of life at the very other end of the spectrum of frequency that was created, they would be quite different.
Now, if it just so happened that each of those two totally opposite ends of the vibrational spectrum were selected to become a human, then I suspect that they would be quite different and would or could be attracted to different things or personalities.
So, based on that point of view, then it is easy to understand why humans have different personalities, because we all vibrated to a different frequency and as all is frequency, and the law of mutual attraction is at work, then we are attracted or repulsed by personalities of the same or different frequencies.
I also imagine that part of our journey along our life path is to raise our frequency, thereby attracting different things and personalities to our point of life that is you or I.
And, once we have raised our vibration to the point of accepting the vibration of our God, we merge back with God.
Basically, I think that you are right.
But we must also realize that God may have something to do with this because he wanted us to have unique personalities so that he could learn from our experiences. Everything we think or do is fed back to God.
If we were all the same, God would learn nothing.
I also think that archangels have some role to play in all this.
So, until we get the full picture, we are in the dark.
By no means do I think that the answer is as simple as we are all different frequencies, but I think that it helps answers many of my questions.
Also, I have for quite a while, thought that there is more to this life than we have been told so far and has caused a lot of questions in my mind that have and are troubling me, but I have faith in you and the GWB, so I go along with everything and hope that as we get more information that more will make sense.
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