In This World But Not Of It – Ascension

I asked the Great White Brotherhood what life will be like in the future, when ascension has progressed farther along and people will experience and be living more spiritual lives, this is what they said:

As people advance, as their frequency rises, a number of things will occur:

  1. They will reach a point where they are in constant meditation.
    This happens when someone rises to the point that they are in two worlds at once.
    They will be in 3D reality but, at the same time, they will be in the spiritual realms.
    This feeling will grow over time.
  2. They will attract, by the law of mutual attraction, higher and more powerful guides to them, who will start to take an active part in their spiritual education.

The higher the frequency they can obtain, the more the gifts of the spirit will be revealed to them but they should just let it happen naturally.

End of GWB message.

It takes a while, but people will get used to this feeling of being in two realms at once.

I am in that all the time so, whatever happens, whatever people say to me, I am switching back and forth between reacting in an earthly fashion and in a spiritual fashion. In truth, I only ever react in a spiritual fashion, as I know that earthly problems are not real.

So, to quote Jesus, we are, ‘In this world but not of it.’

It is a blessed state and with that state comes peace.

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