In Two Places At Once

The Great White Brotherhood asked me to ask you a question.
They are a bit concerned about the length of this book and of how many strange chapters they should describe to us.
They explained to me that the reason that the chapters are getting stranger and stranger is because they want future generations to be able to create a link from their incarnations to their experiences before incarnating so they can make a link with their guides and friends in the spirit world.
The object is for people to have a permanent contact with the spirit world.

They asked me for my opinion.
I told them that, as far as I was concerned, they could make the books as long as they wanted and as complicated as they wanted because I know that there are people who read our books now who are interested in the strange areas that are seldom mentioned.

But they asked me to ask you your honest opinion.
Do you want the chapters to go on explaining strange areas in the 4th dimension or would you prefer to stop now and keep the book simple?
I told them that I would ask for your opinion so I am sending you this email.
I would be obliged if you could give your honest opinion which I will pass on to them.

Of course, I am also fine with the books being as long and as complicated as need be.
Thanks for asking.

I passed your message on to the GWB.

The latest chapter is about what happens to those who arrive in heaven after their “death” but who are convinced that life after death does not exist and also those who are convinced that they are dead until Christ comes and wakes them up to eternal life.
It also deals with suicide cases and explains Limbo, who goes there and why. I am finding it very interesting.

I also wanted to mention a strange thing that happened to me the other day when working with the GWB.
Normally, I sit and scribble away, letting this voice that I hear just flow through me and I feel perfectly normal and grounded.
However, the other day, I took a break and poured myself a cup of hot coffee.
I went back to my room and asked the GWB if they wouldn’t mind me writing but, from time to time, stopping to take a sip of coffee. They said that it was OK so I started writing. After a few minutes, I asked them to stop while I took a sip of coffee. I reached for the cup and put it to my mouth but I realized that I couldn’t find my mouth! It took me a few seconds to come back to normal and find my mouth.

Why I am mentioning this is that I realized that, although when I am writing I feel normal, in fact I go into an altered state and I am remote from my body.
It was a very weird feeling to not know where my mouth was but I learned something which is that, although I don’t notice it when I am writing, in fact I go, slightly, into another dimension.
It was strange to be in two places at once.
Part of me felt totally grounded while another part of me was in a different area.
But I suppose that is how telepathy works.

I have done this for so long now, that it feels to me as natural as talking to someone. I didn’t fully realize that I was moving out of my body and into one of my auras. I should know this but, I can tell you that it was strange to wave the cup about and not know where my mouth was until I became grounded again.

Another lesson learned.

That would be very strange to not be able to find your mouth. Did you wait until you could, or just kept going with the writing?

I realized that I was in an alternative state more or less instantly, so it was only seconds until I could return to normal and drink my coffee.
Then, without realizing that I was going into a different dimension, I relaxed and just carried on with the download.

Looking back on the event, once I give thanks for the protection God sends, I realized that, in fact, I always wait a few moments before I am in contact with the GWB.
These few moments, I now realize, allow me to change dimensions.
I do it so automatically, that I did not realize that those few moments, in which I calm my mind and so on, actually allow me to reach out into another dimension.
Since the coffee event, I am more aware that I can instantly – within a few seconds – change dimensions.

Please do not think that I am boasting. It is just the result of long years of doing this.

I never thought of it before because it seems so natural to me.
I suppose that I am meeting the GWB halfway between their world and ours.

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