As we have said, once a human stamp or logos is placed on the point of life, that embryo human is placed in the care of an Oversoul.
In fact, the Oversoul is more of a concept than a building or family.
Looking after these young souls are advanced humans and angels who guide and educate the person for many years.
As that young human grows in astral form, so his teachers and mentors introduce him to many things.
There are in the heavenly spheres, countless areas of education.
Anything that exists on earth in physicality does so because it exists also in the heavenly spheres.
Now this young spirit may live for many, many years in earthly terms before deciding what he wants to do with his life.
As he is shown around heaven, as he is educated, he naturally feels more attracted to some things than others.
His teachers take careful note of his preferences, and those that feel attracted to a physical incarnation are prepared for that incarnation.
But the question asked was, how does a young child play the piano perfectly with no piano lessons on earth or do anything equally marvelous and it was considered to be reincarnation.
But the answer is quite simple.
In the heavenly spheres, everything that exists on Earth already exists in those spheres.
This means, bizarre as this may seem to some people, a young spirit can learn to play a musical instrument, and many do.
Equally, a fighter plane was mentioned.
If they exist in physicality, they must exist in astral form in the heavenly spheres.
These astral object objects appear just as real and solid to us as physical objects do to you.
Therefore, it is perfectly possible for a young spirit to play at learning to fly a variety of craft while he is in heaven and before incarnating.
Then when he incarnates, the memories the memory of those games can come back, and the child amazes everyone by playing an instrument or preparing a plane for takeoff.
It isn’t reincarnation.
It is the memory of his time before incarnating coming back to him.
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