Influenced By Information

I am at a part in the book that is talking about how DNA controls the power coming from the auras, through the chakras and into the “body”.

I can’t help but think that the Earth experience, or incarnation is an experience where the consciousness is linked to all 8 dimensions, or auras and is more aware of all 8 auras than the consciousness would be if it were in say, the higher 4th dimension, or body, or aura…

I cannot shake this concept that being on Earth, or having this Earth experience is some kind of experience where all 8 auras are more active than there are in any of our other “bodies”.

I fully believe that we are always connected to all of the dimensions while our consciousness is focused on this part of God’s creation, but when in the higher 4th dimension, we have less influence from other auras than we do when we are having a so-called incarnation…

Again, what do you think of this concept?


Here is the reply from the Great White Brotherhood:

When we are no longer in our physical bodies but return to our light bodies, which is the true us, we no longer require to be influenced by information coming from the auras and into our bodies.

The physical body needs constantly to be reconfigured to keep it healthy and together.
But once we are in our light bodies, the problem no longer exists.

Only in physicality does the body need to be influenced and balanced.

Once out of physicality the problem dies with the body.

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