Here again, is another email discussion between myself and Bob and is being shared because there is truth in the concepts being discussed and Bob has endorsed the information that I have received in a lucid dream or download type process.
As with the other discussions between Bob and myself, please use discernment when considering what is written and do not accept it as fact.
This was back in late 2016 and was an unfolding process of studying information from the Great White Brotherhood and discussing it with Bob and hopefully serves as information for those who are interested in these topics to help with your understanding and journey on the path to perfection.
Hi Bob,
I had an amazing night, I woke up around 1 am, still in a bit of a dream state, then as I became more awake, I was becoming more aware of concepts that we have been discussing.
I was kind of channeling, or I was asking questions and getting downloads of information, quickly. I could see the downloaded information in my mind, as images and ideas. I was able to keep my mind clear and focused so that I could ask the question and then I could see the images forming as ideas and I would manipulate them so I could form an idea, a concept, a theory.
I was at a higher frequency, where I could understand concepts much better, away from the belief systems that keep us thinking differently, away from belief systems associated with lower frequencies.
I will begin with the list of attributes, concepts and theories as I have before, I think it helps form the conversation, but I will add a new attribute, in the first slot. I also modified most of the points based on my experience from last night, so please read through them all again:
1. Everything, EVERYTHING, is energy.
2. We are formless entities.
3. We do exist, independently, at the Higher Self level.
4. There may be an infinite number of Higher Selves existing, independently, whole and complete, formless, conscious, intelligent
5. We exist across all dimensions, from the Higher Self down, choosing to have a physical experience
6. Our virtual, physical reality experience does not exist outside of us, it exists within us
7. If we choose to, we can agree to co-create, but we must agree to. In order to interact with other people, we must have an agreement to do so.
8. I create my reality in any dimension I choose.
9. In the physical dimensions, only I can exist in my virtual, physical reality/experience. For me to experience other things, I must create them, as a simulation, since only I can exist in my virtual, physical reality.
10. This is a critical point, only I can exist in my virtual, physical reality, the other people, animals, plants and things that I see or experience, were created by me. They are simulations, a virtual reality or sorts. So, when I stop experiencing a certain physical reality and switch to another one, no one else keeps going with that reality, it was only mine. This is how the still frames concept fits in and is critical to the concept. They are just frames, they are simulations, they could be considered a part of a virtual reality. You and I are formless, existing independently. Our realities are separate.
Ok, I will keep this message short, because I want to make sure that the point I am about to make is not mixed in with the other points I need to make.
I believe that I figured out how I interact with you and how you interact with me, it is actually very simple, which was the repeating theme I was given, over and over last night. This is all very simple to understand, extremely complex in its design and construct, but very simple in process and application.
Ok, key point, my virtual, physical reality experience is created only, by me, and everything is energy.
So, how do you communicate and interact with me?
Through telepathy.
The concept I need to get across here is that there is always more than one way for things to happen and appear to happen.
Now, you have been trained and brought up to believe that telepathy happens a certain way, through the mind.
My understanding from last night is that we are all connected, all of us, at the Higher Self level, and we communicate with each other through telepathy.
Everything has to go through our Higher Self, to then be passed down through the dimensions to where the communication needs to go. In the case of you and I writing these messages, I, right now, am preparing a message to send to you, up through my Higher Self, to your Higher Self, and then transmitted down to you.
The internet is a form of Telepathy.
I know this may be a very difficult concept to accept, but if you believe that your virtual, physical reality experience, is internal only to you, then how could I possibly communicate with you?
That is how we are all connected, through our Higher Self.
Our virtual, physical reality is an illusion that the Higher Self creates, so there is nothing to connect to, because everything is internal to our Higher Self’s consciousness.
So, when you send me an e-mail message, you are actually communicating with me telepathically. It’s a slow method of telepathy, as you and I need to type out these messages and then hit the send button and then it must go through “cyber space” and eventually show up on your computer screen.
It is critical if you accept, that everything is an illusion, we are amazing creators and we do create a Harry Potter type of world, where we created a visual form of telepathy called the internet. The illusion is that there is this “real” computer sitting in front of you, it’s made of hard material, you can pick it up, it’s connected to the “internet” that you can’t see, the messages are whizzing around in this “internet” and somehow gets to you. Amazing, simply amazing that we were able to visualize a way to communicate through telepathy and trick ourselves into thinking that it is something other than that, we are masters of illusion and we trick the heck out of ourselves, we have the wool over our own eyes!
We are connected by our Higher Selves and we communicate with telepathy, it just so happens that the internet is a form of telepathy.
There is more than one way to do things.
I totally agree with all that you received.
It is all happening at a higher self level – the God level.
Now, I am not going to say any more because you said that you might have more to send.
So, please send me all that you received – please don’t invent stuff – but tell me what you received and we will discuss it.
Sorry to be severe but this is important.
No worries, Bob,
I haven’t made anything up to this point, I am simply taking the concepts that were manifested last night, aided by the concepts that you and the Great White Brotherhood have provided over the time that we have known each other and applied it to my vision / meditation / channeling / download last night.
Without the information received by you from the GWB, I would never have been able to put all this information together in my mind last night as I asked the questions and the images and concepts entered and I was able to put them together in an amazing vision.
It was the channeling or downloading last night that allowed all these concepts that we have been discussing and learning, that clicked together like a 3D model in my mind.
I was also provided with feelings of confirmation every time I was able to make the connections with all the concepts and theories learned. I didn’t hear any words, just visions and feelings.
If I did actually hear words, it felt like myself, talking with myself.
Another comment, when this was all happening, it didn’t happen the way that I thought it would. I had this belief that when everyone channels or receives information, that there is this flow of information, back and forth, and it is complete and whole in its transmission.
For me, it wasn’t that way, it kept building onto itself as I asked questions and the image in my mind appeared, slowly, from out of the darkness and was built, constructed and formed. Fascinating.
Ok, here was a revelation that I had about date references and that everything is now.
One of the videos I watched, stated that it was from 2009 but, I watched it for the first time yesterday. I have accepted a previously given belief about dates, and the past, that the video was made in 2009, because there was a date reference on the video.
Guess what, that video was made at the exact time that I was watching it.
The video was made as I watched it, by me, I created it, with information sent to me by telepathy, from some other Higher Self or was simply a transmission of information directly from my Higher Self, and since I am a master creator, I was able to take that transmission and create a video to tell me something.
We are the masters of illusion.
I am always making visual representations of things sent to me and making it look like it is not from me.
I’m not sure that I explained that quite right, but hopefully you understand what I am saying.
But to know that we make our reality as we need to, that is super clever, to enforce the veil, separation from self.
I won’t talk about the content – the meaning – of what you received, as I need to read it a few times to digest the information.
What I will say is that, if I have understood correctly, what you received from a sort of lucid dreaming, it is very similar to the way I receive it.
I am in bed, asleep, then I sort of wake up a bit and am sent a download of information, some by words and some by images.
This information is hammered into my mind several times till I have fully remembered it.
Then there is a short pause and it starts again.
More information hammered again and again into my mind until the full message has been retained by me.
Then, a few more times, the whole story is banged at me, quite forcefully, to make sure that I have retained it.
I fall out of bed, early the next morning, quite exhausted and make a note of it all.
But I find it very tiring.
It is dramatic and rather traumatic.
Now, watching videos.
It is quite true that, as someone is making a video, it is in real time. Even if you watch that video some years later, you are watching it in real time – the moment that the person was recording it.
Also, space is affected.
I have been aware for a long time that, if I make a video in the South of France on a certain day, someone watching the video years later somewhere else in the world is linking with me in the South of France on that day.
It is as if videos somehow pass time and space.
It is the same with a still photo.
You can look at a photo taken years ago, on holiday somewhere, and you have a moment of time and space captured in that photo.
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