What was going through my mind is that we are all one.
It is only our “ego” that keeps us separate.
However, as we all live in our separate universes, and we all have free will in what we believe, how we act and what paths we take as we all progress towards God, so some things seem real and some do not.
I actually think that the sole moment when we will all think the same is the moment that we will disappear into the Godhead, at the end of our journey back to where we came from.
That moment is a long way from all of us.
Personally, although I am looking forward to that far off moment, I am also looking forward to the journey, much as a child not only looks forward to arriving at Disneyland but also looks forward to the long journey that will take him there.
I have been told that the journey and the destination are also one, so we should accept everyone’s different approaches to perfection and to enjoy our own personal approach, with all the ups and downs.
We should learn to accept that everyone is on the path and accept everyone’s different points of view, no matter how disparate they may seem compared to our points of view.
Those who are going in the wrong direction will have the chance to change their point of view after a period in hell.
So, as Jesus said, ‘Judge not.’
How great it will be when we can all row the boat in the same direction.
God will be there to greet us at the end of that voyage.
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