I have a strange tale to tell.
A few days ago, I saw a video in which a lady said that she remembered her life before incarnation.
She said that, as she was approaching her baby body prior to incarnation, she was going to be born into a country that spoke a language that she could not understand. It was what we would call a foreign country and a foreign language.
This prompted me to ask the Great White Brotherhood what language she was used to speaking prior to incarnation.
Here is his answer:
As you know, in heaven we do not need to speak aloud. We speak telepathically. However, amazing as this may seem, if we need to understand a language, it would be English. Now, that is not the complete answer.
Generally, as I said, we communicate telepathically by thought transference, but at the same time, if we approach incarnation, the language that would be most readily understandable would be English.
Now, we question why this should be.
After all, if we go back in time, many people spoke Aramaic or Sanscrit. But times change and with that change of time, English has become the most universally accepted language.
So, I will say that in all probability, if a descending baby is preparing to incarnate into the body of a fetus, the language with which it would be most familiar in the 4th dimension, prior to incarnation, would be either thought transference or English.
Naturally, it would soon pick up the language of the country into which it was born but it would be most familiar with the language spoken in the 4th dimension – English.
That is what GWB said but I have been thinking about it and I wonder if, in fact, someone who is going to be born into a country with a language like Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, and so on, is not transferred to a part of the 4th dimension where that language is spoken.
If this were so, the only people speaking English would be those who transferred to an English-speaking part of the 4th dimension.
If this had happened to the person from the GWB that I was in communication with, who was English when incarnated, of course, he would know nothing of the other parts of the 4th that spoke different languages.
Just my thoughts.
That was a bit of a surprise to me what the GWB stated and now I have many questions.
I will state, that I have absolutely no pre-birth memory. I barely remember my childhood.
I would assume that when people from a country that do not speak English go to heaven, and never learned another language, they would speak their native language to each other in heaven.
Although they would possibly use telepathy to “speak”, I assume that it would be in their native mannerisms.
I guess the question I have is, if you communicate to someone who does not speak English through telepathy, would you be able to understand each other because you are “speaking” in thought, which may have no language?
Thank you for your questions. I can answer part of them.
When I am talking telepathically to the GWB, I do it in English.
Telepathy is very much like talking to yourself in your mind. You know what I mean when you are talking to yourself.
Now, I could talk to myself in French, and I sometimes do, but when I am talking to the GWB, out of politeness, I always do it in English.
I must assume that people are separated to a certain extent by the language they speak.
I can’t imagine that people either speak English in the 4th dimension or they can’t communicate at all. That would not make sense.
Telepathy is different. To speak telepathically is just thought transference and doesn’t use language as such.
When I speak to a guide, whatever their native language, I speak to them in English in my mind and, also in my mind, I receive their answers in English. So, I assume that telepathy (thought transference) is a universal language.
I have communicated with many guides over the years whose native language was not English, and I have never had any difficulty in understanding them. In my mind, I communicate in English and I receive their answers in English.
Perhaps, one day, I will speak in French or German and see if they can understand me.
People who have been trained to contact and spy on others who are talking in a foreign language, unless they could listen to the conversations in English for example, they would not be able to understand what was going on.
And what about those trained to listen to aliens talking?
Once again, unless they could understand what the aliens were saying to each other, it would be pointless.
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