People experience interactions with others that they don’t like or don’t get along with and consider it to be negative but I see it as totally positive.
This could include any event or experience, where one person experiences something that they feel is negative but they kept their cool and stick with their principles of spirituality.
They don’t make a scene from the possible reaction of their ego protecting them and reacting back in a way that could make things worse.
Let me explain.
One should never accept anything, if at all possible, prepared by negative people or, to use a Harry Potter expression, “A known enemy”.
As I also mentioned, if at all possible, never accept anything from someone who happens to be in a bad mood while preparing or creating something.
The same result is achieved in the end with either scenario.
Negative people or anyone doing anything in a negative mood at the time, whether they realise it or not, transfer negativity to what they are doing – from their auras – so, if you accept something or join someone with whom you do not like and who does not like you, what will happen is that you “consume” or accept that negativity into your auras.
If you politely decline, doing your best not to make them feel bad or make a scene or big deal about their offer or whatever it is that they present to you or want you to join in on, that memory will remain with them and will, perhaps, help them along the spiritual path.
Also, if you decline their offer politely and without judgement, I am sure that they will notice how calm and positive you are and that memory will remain with them also.
So, the way that you should see it or consider it is that you helped others, by your example, to realize that one can live positively.
They may not realize it or understand it now or even during their incarnation but at some point, they will review that event or interaction and understand the situation with great clarity and will have the opportunity to consider their actions.
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