This is yet another message shared to help those who may have or may have had this or a similar experience and to understand what may be happening to them during a meditation session or perhaps even a lucid dream experience.
If you experience something similar to what I experienced, please do you best to relax and go deeper into the meditation, as long as you have applied a protection technique, such as what the Great White Brotherhood teach, or something similar.
Hi Bob,
Last night was one of the more amazing meditation sessions I have had yet.
It is too difficult to describe most of the experience I had because it might take a couple of pages to fully describe it, plus it would take a while to try and remember it all.
I will mention one part that was totally weird and has not happened before.
At one point, I felt like the back of my body, well, actually, I could certainly feel my head and most of my upper body, was opened up, like someone just came along and unzipped me from the back and pulled me wide open.
Then it felt like I was bubbling and like someone or something had their hands in there and was making dough with me.
I could definitely feel movement and I don’t know if it was me moving or something moving in me, but it went on for quite a while.
I also saw many things, too many to describe and I am not sure if I saw glimpses of Summerland or not.
Like I said, it was one of the most amazing meditation sessions I have had yet.
Here is what the Great White Brotherhood said:
As you know, we are always with you and, during meditation, we are particularly close.
Obviously, what Guy experienced was not physical.
It occurred in his astral vehicles whilst we attempted to remove his consciousness into his astral vehicles.
We struggled with this and we were only partially successful.
This resulted in a sort of tug- of- war in which we pulled and Guy resisted somewhat.
The result was all the sensations and flashes he described.
Guy is still struggling to let go and allow us to take over but we hope that he will gain in confidence in us over time.
End of the GWB message.
I hope that, in time, you will learn to relax and to trust them to help you.
I do understand that it is difficult to let go completely but, providing you do all the protection things, you have nothing to fear.
We all have our own distinct personalities.
In my case, as I was brought up in a house where my mother was a medium and so I was used to paranormal things happening, I found it easy to let go but you come from a background where the paranormal is connected to fear.
So, it is natural to be reluctant to launch yourself into the unknown.
You will learn, in time, to be more confident and then the magic will happen.
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