The reason for sharing this message is to re-enforce the point of allowing your guide to take the lead and work behind the scenes to train you and strengthen the link between you and them.
Do not reach out to them, allow them to do what must be done. They are the experts and specially trained to handle everything.
Hi Bob,
I performed a very long meditation – alone.
I don’t know for sure what happened, but I certainly felt a very quick, sharp pain directly in the area of the third eye.
It almost felt like a pop or a snap.
I could feel the pressure and tension building and then a very brief sharp pain and then the pain went away.
I thought to myself after, I wonder if that was finally the third eye opening. I am not sure of course, but this was the first time that it felt like it happened in the right spot.
Since then, which was many hours ago, I have felt quite different.
I got in touch with the Great White Brotherhood, and much to my surprise, it was not my guide who replied but your guide. He told me so.
He had a much deeper voice than my guide.
Anyway, this is what he said:
It was not his 3rd eye opening. We were increasing our connection to him.
Tell him not to be concerned. Gradually, we will be able to link with him more and more, but he must play a passive role in all this.
Let us do all the work.
At that point, he stopped.
I asked him if he would tell me his name but he refused. They nearly always refuse.
I would never have thought that my guide would answer you. That is pretty amazing.
So, when my guide mentioned that I must play a passive roll in all this, did you get the sense that I am doing something wrong?
I thought that I was being passive. Just clearing my mind and trying to not react to all that is happening.
It’s difficult not to observe what is happening, but as far as I thought, I was just doing my best to be still and just let it happen.
Perhaps I am not.
I will do better at just relaxing and letting go.
I don’t think that you are doing anything wrong. Your guide was just reminding you not to try to take the lead. Let them lead you. That is all.
I must say that it came as a great surprise to have your guide talk to me.
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