Life Experiences – Life Plan

This message is meant to help anyone that is struggling to understand their incarnation.

The situations in this message are somewhat specific to events that were happening at the moment, but it is hoped that you can visualize or realize that what is stated by the Great White Brotherhood is applicable to any situation, experience or event in your life or the life of others.

While reading through the message, please try to consider how this could be applied to your life and how you could use this information to understand that what you are going through is a choice that was made before you incarnated and that you agreed with your guides and angels to experience events and circumstances in your day to day life or during certain times to help you evolve.

These experiences or events or circumstances are created (and somewhat planned) to help you develop and evolve so that you learn the lessons or experiences that you needed to.

I am sure that you have found in your life or that you will begin to understand is that if the lesson that needed to be realized was not achieved or at least partially achieved, the lesson will be presented again in some way. Perhaps at another moment long after, unrelated to the first experience but regardless, the lesson will be presented again to see how you react or handle it.

What is described below may not be relevant to you in any way and you might think that this lesson is not applicable to your life but I assure you that you chose to incarnate to go through some experiences that were required to help you evolve in some way that is specific to your life plan.

Your situation may be related to relationships, education, finding a home, planning an event in your life such as a wedding, vacation, birthday… it could be anything and we hope that you can see the connection to your specific situation to this one and take into consideration the information provided and utilize it in your life.

Message from the Great White Brotherhood:
It is necessary to understand a number of aspects to what you are going through at the moment.

The first thing is that we hope you understand that you chose your life plan in conjunction with your guides and angels.
So, what you are experiencing at the moment is important in a number of aspects.
It is important for you to pass through these unpleasant experiences because you chose – and need – to have these experiences to test your resilience to reacting, or not, and also to give you the chance to spread love to all who are with you.
You do this silently by sending your love – sincerely – out to all present.
While no one is talking to you, this is fairly easy, but to do it while someone is talking to you is much harder and you need to practice.
If you are not sure how to learn this, please refer to the lesson we provided on how to send out love.
So, we hope that you can see, that these events are good experience and will hold you in good stead later, as you move on to other areas.

For those seeking other employment, this will happen but is not a simple thing.
You need to understand that, for you to find a position in a more suitable environment, implies that the current holder of that post moves on to pastures new.
This, in turn, implies that the next worker down the line also moves on and so there are a number of people who need to change employment before the position becomes vacant that you can apply for.
It also means, that this new employment is suitable for you, that it conforms to your life plan and that your guides pull the strings to make sure that you get the position.

So, we advise you to be patient and, instead of regretting being in that job, try to understand that it is an important part of the training that you need to go through as part of your spiritual education and, although asking you to enjoy it will take a stretch for you, do your best, at least, to accept all the blows.
After all, none of it is real and is actually being created by you, even though it seems all too real.

So, if you can, rise above it and see it for what it is, just life presenting you with a lesson.
It will pass one day and the quicker you can learn the lessons, which is not to react negatively to your experiences, the quicker life will present you with a more pleasant job or situation in life.

Always remember that your guides are with you.
You are never alone.
They are with you helping and guiding you through your experiences.

Do your work to the best of your ability and life will pass smoothly until you can move on.

We wish the blessings of almighty God on you and that his angels help and guide you through these lessons.

Pass God’s blessings on to all present so that it does not stop with you and all will benefit.

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