Life Is Pre-Planned

Concerning anyone’s life plan, it is the general direction that your life must take that is pre-planned.

You have free will over many things but, if you look back over your life so far, you will see a sort of direction that you have taken that is exclusive to you.
No one has been born into a family exactly like yours. You have had a path that no one else has taken that is exactly like yours.
Some people’s lives are similar to yours but none are exactly the same.
From that you can trace the path that you had to take.

You will see this more and more as your life unfolds.

Of course, if you were meant to be handicapped to experience that, you will get that handicap.
Equally, accidents can happen and then, you might be in a wheelchair.

So, although it is difficult to explain exactly how the life plan plays out, I can assure you that there is one. You higher self knows this plan which is why it is a good idea to learn to contact your higher self.
It may not tell you directly what the life plan is but it will guide you and, by following this plan, life becomes more organised and less chaotic.

Don’t worry about a job that you didn’t get.
You were not meant to take that job. You were meant to go down the route that you are on now.

Similar things have happened to me and I scratched my head at the time and wondered why until I realised, or was told, that it was not my timeline, my reality. In the long term, I have never regretted that things that didn’t happen.
I feel that I have always been pushed down a positive, if hard sometimes, route.

This life plan will last throughout all of your incarnation.
When that incarnation ceases and you return to heaven, you have much more control over your progress.

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