Life Is Series Of Endless Video Loops

More and more I am beginning to realize that here is only this consciousness but, thanks to this new book about personalities which create our realities and it is all vibrations, I am beginning to see that the consciousness that I call me is using these personality vibrations to create the world that I experience and God is the force that created – if I can use that word – consciousness and all the rest.

Having said that, I am also being drawn to the idea that this consciousness and all these different vibrations are the result of something that we would not call God.

I cannot explain this because I don’t yet know how it all works but I would not be surprised if God did not actually exist as the creative force but that we create what we call God.

I had a strange lucid dream last night, in which I was shown that life is a series of endless little video loops, each one showing a few seconds of some experience.
We can jump into one of those experiences and, if we stayed there, we would experience the same little scene over and over again.
So, we jump to another and another and so on.

In this lucid dream, I was shown that all these little videos already exist and always have, endlessly playing over and over again.
So, we spend all of our long existence jumping from one video to another, interacting with one of them for a moment and then jumping to another.
It is thus that we progress, jumping to videos that attract us more than the previous one.

Then this dream went on to explain that life doesn’t end one day and start again but we, when we reach a certain point we call perfection, jump back to the beginning and start with the first video again and gradually progress much as before.

Now, this was a dream, but it was a lucid dream and, although I ignore most of my ordinary dreams, lucid dreams I pay attention to.

If it was just a dream, it would make a good scenario for a film.
If it was reality being explained to me, it is kind of strange.

Thanks Bob, you explained that very well.

Your Lucid Dream reminded me a lot about something the GWB, I believe, mentioned in one of the books, about going from theatre to theatre and watching the play and when you were bored with that, you went to the next one, very similar, but I think that we are moving into the new age, where it is better described as a video room, your own personal video room with a really awesome and comfortable chair and 360 degree sight and sound and as you said, you can sit there and watch this video looping over and over again until you get bored and then go to another video room.

That is how I sort of felt when I was driving my car last summer and my guide pulled me out of my body just enough where I could see everything around me and I was not moving, but everything was moving around me, like being in a video game – a virtual one.

This statement of yours is an interesting one: Then this dream went on to explain that life doesn’t end one day and start again but we, when we reach a certain point we call perfection, jump back to the beginning and start with the first video again and gradually progress much as before.

People are going to latch onto that one and say that the GWB are stating that reincarnation is a fact.

After I sent that message about the lucid dream, I sat and thought about it a bit and I realized that there are many who are stuck in the one video – work, TV, bed. Work, TV and bed. They do that because it seems familiar and safe.
But then, one day, for whatever reason, they jump to another video, in which their spouse dies, for instance, or they have some other crises, loss of job, and they are completely lost because they do not realize that the only constant is change and that life will push them into change, one way or another.
If we were taught about these videos and the illusory nature of them, and we could jump to another, better video if we wanted to, life would be so much better for all of us.

But people stumble through life wondering WTF is going on.

I had forgotten about the theatres that the GWB talked about.
This, obviously, is the same idea but presented, to me at least, in a way that I could understand better.

You mentioned reincarnation and I suppose that it is. But most people think we die and come back, die and come back.
The concept I am describing is that it takes a gazillion years to die and come back so I don’t really think that it is reincarnation as most people visualize it.

I like that Bob, great analysis.

I agree with you whole heartedly about being stuck in the same video.
I am there right now.
I do plan on changing the channel but I understand it is a bit challenging and can cause a lot of distress.

Anyway, back to your analysis, perfect to me as far as I am concerned.

I guess this ascension if going to force us out of our comfortable video room slowly, so we want to watch another video.

Be careful where you jump to.

Make sure that you are convinced that it is a jump in the right direction, or it could cause some friction.

When I’m not sure, I do nothing and, eventually, the right solution comes to me.

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