Love Is The Answer

What you can do, is to demonstrate the spiritual path through your actions.

I do not mean to push yourself on people, your wife and kids.
I mean to be like Jesus: calm, loving, slow to anger and quick to forgive. By those actions, you will spread the word.

I have been told that the less people know about your spiritual advancement, the more you are advanced. In other words, just be a normal parent and husband but always be there for your family, loving and helping.
Never, under any circumstances, start to be “holier than thou” or start to criticize others who are not acting as you think they should.
Give advice when asked but do not push your advise on those who do not want it.

There are few things worse than a spiritual snob.

To demonstrate to others the Kingdom of God is to be retiring, calm and gentle.
Then others will see the God force in you and you will draw others around you as disciples.

Love is the answer.

Love implies being gentle, caring, forgiving and helpful, understanding and, above all, being silent.

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