Lucid Dreaming | Watching Videos

What I will say is that, if I have understood correctly what you received from a sort of lucid dreaming, it is very similar to the way I receive it.
I am in bed, asleep, then I sort of wake up a bit and am sent a download of information, some by words and some by images. This information is hammered into my mind several times untill I have fully remembered it.
Then there is a short pause and it starts again. More information hammered again and again into my mind until the full message has been retained by me.
Then, a few more times, the whole story is banged at me, quite forcefully, to make sure that I have retained it.
I fall out of bed, early the next morning, quite exhausted and make a note of it all. But I find it very tiring.
Is this “grosso modo” what happened to you?
It is dramatic and rather traumatic.

Now, watching videos.
It is quite true that, as someone is making a video, it is in real time. Even if you watch that video some years later, you are watching it in real time – the moment that the person was recording it.
Also, space is affected.
I have been aware for a long time that, if I make a video in the South of France on a certain day, someone watching the video years later somewhere else in the world is linking with me in the South of France on that day. It is as if videos somehow pass time and space.

It is the same with a still photo.
You can look at a photo taken years ago, on holiday somewhere, and you have a moment of time and space captured in that photo.

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