The devil, Lucifer, Satan, call it what you will, only exists as a thought form in the etheric.
But religions, under the influence of archons, invented the devil in order to frighten people and tie them to their religion.
When people hold black masses, they draw negative forces to them.
These might be demons, archons, reptilians, or any negative entities in the etheric that would enjoy negativity.
Equally, the people involved with these evil acts are also acting on their own behalf and if they want to do evil on their own without being influenced, there’s nothing to stop them.
Either way, they get no benefit from their evil acts.
Negativity is a destructive force and thus can give no positive benefit to the participants.
Only by doing good can people advance.
Negativity acts cause destruction.
So those involved in those acts get no advantage and eventually have to go to hell to pay for their crimes.
End of message from the Great White Brotherhood.
So, what the Great White Brotherhood are saying here is these people that hold these dreadful black masses and, kill little babies and children and drink their blood and all that sort of thing, it gives them no advantage.
They might think that they’re gonna get some help, but they don’t because it’s negative and negative never gives any advantage.
And second, when they go to heaven after and they have their life review, they have to go to hell at the end of their incarnation.
They have to go to hell to pay for the crimes that they’ve committed.
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