We all have the latent ability to manipulate space/time and also matter in the same way that guides can do it and also the great people like Jesus, Buddha, etc., could do it.
But, we also have to realize that we, are a long way from being able to do that and we should not try.
The gifts of the spirit – for this is what these things are – come to us… slowly.
But it would be great if we had real mastery of telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance and so on, quite apart from these abilities to manipulate space/time and matter.
We would, indeed, be godlike and yet, it is only another form of physics.
Physics is the science of understanding the way life works, as far as I know.
All this is physics but a step beyond Newtonian physics.
Since I was pondering this subject, I asked the Great White Brotherhood about manipulating space/time, this was the answer from GWB:
This can occur when one enters the astral planes.
Time, as is measured on Earth is not linear.
Normally, we are moving forward through time in a linear fashion and we see it in the accepted sense.
However, the truth is different.
There is sequence of events, one thing happening after another, and that, normally, cannot be altered except by very advanced beings who can manipulate space/time.
But events do not have to move in that linear fashion.
It is possible to manipulate space/time.
We do not have to be part of space/time, we can be observers of it.
If and when we can master the ability to observe space/time, we can learn to manipulate it to create whatever sequence of events we wish.
From there, it is possible to learn to manipulate matter: to pass through solid walls, create objects – food for instance – and even walk on water!
Space/time is not fixed and can be manipulated.
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