Hi Bob,
Could the Great White Brotherhood comment on the Remote Viewing video about a base on Mars?
I will put below the information given to me concerning the Mars Project:
We have watched the remote viewer’s versions of what they saw and have the following comments to make.
As you know, we do not like to criticize anyone, especially those doing their best in a difficult situation.
With relation to investigating the planet Mars, the problem is further exacerbated by interference from alien forces (1) wishing to protect Mars from investigation by Earth’s humans.
So, what is portrayed in any investigation, must always be suspect due to the minds of the investigators being affected by words or images imposed on the minds of those investigators, causing false information to be transmitted.
This false information can be transmitted into the minds of the investigators very much in the same manner as nature spirits can affect the minds of people.
Further, what the investigators see in their minds eyes is information transmitted telepathically by the Tasker.
Not only does the tasker transmit information concerning the target but he could also transmits his opinions of what is going on at the targets, so the remote viewers, when they try to link with the numbers given to them, are really connecting, telepathically, to the information sent by the Tasker.
This information can be retrieved by the remote viewer by linking to the relevant file in the akashic record, to retrieve the information.
So, we have a number of reasons for doubting the veracity of what the remote viewers saw and reported.
By and large, their investigations of the domes, the water and steam issuing from the pipe were accurate.
Where the investigation falters is the reports of people in or around the domes.
There are no humans on Mars.
We have explained this before.
Mars is held by the Reptilians.
Reptilians can and do create robotic creatures, rather like the little ‘greys’ that are sometimes seen on Earth.
The Reptilian created robots can be of various sizes and with various intelligences.
But they are all robots.
They may be given protecting clothing or the clothing perceived by the remote viewers might be illusions projected into the minds of the remote viewers to try to give the impression that they were looking at Earth humans.
They were not.
They were looking at robots, programmed to do a particular task.
There were no humans and no aliens from any other planet.
Mars has only Reptilians – originally from Earth – and robots made and programmed by the reptilians.
What they were doing is trying to empty contaminated water from a deep underground facility flooded during the war that we have described in other works.
This water, heavily contaminated with all that was used during the long war, is flooding a large, deep underground facility that the Reptilians used before the war to manufacture their spaceships.
This place got flooded and now the Reptilians are trying to pump it dry again.
This is the end of our observations concerning the remote viewing of Mars.
(1). These alien forces are not real aliens but thoughts transmitted by reptilians into the minds of the RVs.
Thanks Bob, that is quite amazing.
There are at least three things the GWB mentioned that caught me by surprise:
• By and large, their investigations of the domes, the water and steam issuing from the pipe were accurate.
• Mars has only reptilians – originally from Earth – and robots made and programmed by the reptilians.
• This place got flooded and now the reptilians are trying to pump it dry again.
I didn’t think anything was happening on the surface of Mars, but it seems there is and I wonder what the Reptilians are up to? Why do they need to empty this place of water after all this time?
I don’t remember reading that the Reptilians were originally from the Earth.
The Reptilians are one of the experiments that the Archangels created long ago.
There were several: Humans from which we are descended, Neanderthals, Bigfoot and Reptilians, Tall Whites (Nordics) to name a few.
The Reptilians survived and created their own ‘civilisation’. They still survive on earth, underground, and have spaceships as do the Tall Whites. They also have the ability to move into the etheric realms at will as does Big Foot.
But the Reptilians are much different from us and are very arrogant.
They battled, long ago, with other races that had spaceship capacity and captured Mars but, in doing so, destroyed Mars.
So, what they had already built there was not only destroyed on the surface but also their facilities underground was flooded.
I don’t know why they want to remake it but I assume that it is so that they can build spaceships without being seen by us.
They can’t do it on earth, so Mars is their only hope.
I found the first paragraph very interesting concerning RV and how the RVers can pick up on the taskers thoughts.
So, it is not entirely ‘blind’. The skilled RV’s can already get an idea of the task before they start.
Of course, they then reach out and try to get the information requested by the tasker.
To download this lesson, please click on the link below:
PDF - Mars Project