Many years ago, I was meditating and, suddenly, I was taken, in my vision, to a wild and lonely place and there stood a man who told me exactly the same story as what is written in the book titled; Instructions Of A Master To His Chela.
Now, it is worth noting that what written in that book, he believed that it happened physically to him but I think it possible that what he experienced was in a vision, like what I experienced.
So, it is possible that the talk about reincarnation and Shamballa came from his imagination.
It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between reality and visions.
But I thought that it was strange that both he and I had the same experience.
Thanks Bob,
I very much enjoyed this book and had not you stated that you experienced this and invited me to read it, I would have passed it off as nonsense.
So, obviously the reincarnation bit is questionable, but do you also think all the talk about the secret cities is also imagination?
I was not able to grasp the time / space chapter.
However, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and read it in one sitting, perhaps I will read it again, thank you for sharing it with me.
Now, were you told the story as it was teacher to student?
First, when I experienced it.
I was meditating and I found myself in this deserted area, dressed in Biblical type robes.
A man approached me, dressed similarly, and started to give me almost the same – word for word – information that is in the book.
So, yes, it was a teacher/student relationship (chela/guru, as the book says).
I don’t remember if I was taken into any areas really or if they were just images implanted in my mind.
Regarding reincarnation and other untrue stuff, please remember that both I and the man who wrote the book were beginners at that time, so the guide did not want to confuse us with too much new info.
This has often happened as we progress with the Great White Brotherhood.
They tell us the truth eventually, but in baby steps.
That is quite fascinating, were you surprised at the time that it was happening, or were you like the person in the book, waiting for it to happen?
So, is there any truth to these 7 secret cities and the underground channels that run through the Earth with the light of the sun that must be maintained or else the Earth would convulse?
You must realize that what I experienced was many years ago and so I cannot truly remember my reaction but I think that I had already been shown so many things that I probably just went with the flow.
I also think that what was shown about under the Earth was done in astral form so I do not think that any of it exists in physical reality.
Much of it is symbolic in nature, analogy if you like.
Thus, if you took a great earth boring machine, you would not come across any of what was shown. It was all spiritual.
It is the same with space / time.
What was shown is a symbolic representation of space/time.
There was an interesting phrase used.
“Above all, the adept must be master of space and time or there will be many things hidden from him, without which, he could never do the things which are a part of his daily work.”
Just what that means I don’t know.
As a last thing I am sure that the group who were educating this man are the GWB, even though the name is not quite the same.
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