Meditation – I Can’t Tell You How To Do It

What I do when I meditate is just blank my mind and go deep within.
So how can I possibly describe that?

I can’t!

It is a process of refusing anything to come into my mind.
It is the same process that I use when I am doing telepathy.
My mind is a complete blank.

But, to be perfectly honest, I can’t really describe how to do it.

I just go into an altered state where nothing “Earthly” exists – no music, no voices, nothing – except, in the case of telepathy, the voice of the person talking to me.

But, in meditation, it is total silence.

I have been doing it for so long now that I can enter that state instantly but I can’t tell you how to do it.

All I can suggest is, when you meditate, push each and every thought away and refuse to think.

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