Meditation With Pets

Hi Bob,

A few days ago, when I was meditating, my cat was with me and she was just lying down beside me as she usually does while I meditate and all was normal.
Well, just when the meditation was going very well and I was getting deep into it, my cat lets out this loud meow, gets up, walks over and stands on my feet and then walks back over and sits beside me.

That was the strangest thing that has ever happened while she has been with me in all the years I have been practicing.
She certainly got me out of my meditation, but I never usually need to worry about that. She is always quiet and does not interrupt me.
This time, she decided to interrupt me by letting out a meow and standing on me.

It was weird to say the least and has never happened before.

What you told me about meditating with a cat in the room with you caused some alarm bells to ring in my tiny head.

I would like you to realize that a cat – or any animal with you – is not a good idea.

A cat is creating, in its etheric double, all sorts of thoughts and feelings that can touch your etheric body and interfere with your meditation.

You should be alone when you meditate.

A cat, being a feline, is constantly thinking somewhat savage thoughts. Even if it is asleep, it is dreaming of hunting and so on. That is the nature of a cat.

Those thoughts go into the etheric and can interfere with your meditation.

As you are trying to concentrate on peace, love, harmony, and so on, it will not be good if you are being bombarded, in the etheric, with thoughts of hunting and killing (which is what cats think about a lot).

So, if I may suggest, try to be alone when you meditate.
It will make meditation easier, if you do not have aggressive thoughts from your cat, disturbing you.

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