Merging With God – Alignment

So, when the Great White Brotherhood state in this new book about DNA, that our ultimate goal is to cast off this “junk” DNA and rejoin with God, what they are saying is that we need to raise our vibration to the point that we lose the “junk” DNA and are one with God.

In the book, as you might remember, the GWB state that DNA is vibration or frequency.

So, I assume that when they say we are to cast off this so called “junk” DNA, what we have done is raised or changed our vibration to the point that this “junk” DNA cannot stay with us because it is of a different vibration to God.

How does that sound to you?

This is what the Great White Brotherhood told me.

What happens is that a person who is close to being at the point that he can merge with the Godhead, has raised his consciousness to the point that he has no more to learn.
So, it is not so much a question of casting off DNA, it is a question that every part of him is in alignment with the frequency of God – pure light.

God is also vibration, star light.

Therefore, every part of the person, including all his DNA is in alignment with the frequency of God.
Thus, the DNA has no further influence on the person but is in alignment with the frequency of Starlight, God, perfection.

I don’t know if this helps but that is what they told me.

Thanks Bob (and of course the GWB), that does help.

It is difficult for me to completely explain, but I do understand. I believe that if I have understood what the GWB have said, it is that your consciousness, vibration, frequency matches that of God, so then this so-called “junk” DNA is the same as God… therefore you no longer feel separate from God, no longer feel a separate DNA and thus “join” with God.

So, as the GWB stated, it is not so much a question of casting off the so-called “junk” DNA, but changing one’s consciousness, vibration, frequency to the point that it is in alignment to God – perfection.

I hope that I have understood it correctly.

You have correctly understood.
This is a difficult book to understand and requires careful study.

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