I had a strange experience last night.
I went to bed about midnight as usual and at about 7 am this morning my wife found me in what I call my office – where I work on my computer – fast asleep. I had no idea how I got there and how long I had been there.
Still, no harm was done.
It’s a bit worrying though – missing time.
Maybe you were sleepwalking. I used to do that a lot when I was a child.
I would get out of bed and walk around the house, but apparently, according to my parents, I was sound asleep.
So, maybe that is what happened to you?
I was hoping that I had been abducted by aliens (I’m joking of course), as that used to happen to me when I was a child.
But I have no memory of last night.
But then, I never had any memory of my abductions when I was a kid. It was the GWB who told me about the abductions much later.
They used to happen to me in the etheric state.
I only remember the ‘leaving my body’ part.
In case you have never experienced that, I would lie in bed and, all of a sudden, there would be a loud roaring noise, followed by violent shaking.
After that, I would be in my etheric body, but I don’t remember any of that as I would be under the control of aliens and they did whatever they needed to do to me.
Suddenly, I would be back in my body.
I never mentioned any of that to my schoolmates, as I thought that all kids experienced that. I just experienced it as normal.
It also happened to my mother, who was extremely psychic.
The whole event left her traumatized for the rest of her life and she hated her skills. She had psychic skills that people would pay dearly for but she was terrified of them.
Once I learned what had happened to her, I can understand.
Those were the days.
The good old days of alien abductions.
Everyone likes to feel special, with the exception of my mother, who wanted just to feel normal. I am joking, of course.
Abduction is a violation of our rights and should never be tolerated.
I think, however, that the GWB would protect me from aliens now so I must look elsewhere to find the answer to my missing time.
I know that you have mentioned the abductions before, but I don’t think with as much detail, so thank you for sharing.
No, at this time, I have not experienced leaving my body that I am aware of. A few times recently I have felt the beginnings of the vibrations/shaking, but they have been very small and something usually happens (like a noise or an itchy spot) that it stops before anything really happens.
So, as far as I know, I have never entered into the etheric.
It seems to me, from my experiences, that consciousness (or our attention/awareness) entering into the astral is very unnoticeable.
It just seems to happen, without you even realizing it.
Suddenly you realize that you are seeing or experiencing something but there was no transition, like there seems to be for etheric OBE/AP.
I don’t remember any of the sleepwalking either, my parents would tell me about it. I would get out of bed, still asleep and walk around.
Thankfully I never went outside.
Many times, I would show up where my mom and dad were in the house, still awake, watching tv or something and I was sleepwalking.
They would watch me for a bit and then tell me to go back to bed and I would go back to bed.
Very strange.
I agree with you about your mother not wanting anything to deal with it if she didn’t understand what was happening and didn’t know she had these gifts and wouldn’t likely be able to talk to many people about it.
Thankfully the GWB put a stop to it.
Well, I am sure you will figure out what happened.
If you are trying to move to the heavenly spheres, you do not want to move into the etheric.
The etheric involves all that roaring sound and vibration.
To move into the astral – or heavenly – spheres, will involve, in your case, you being lifted up by guides and, quite gently, moved upwards.
One moment, you will be sitting on a chair, and the next you will be in heaven. It is a gentle process.
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