This message contains two separate events that occurred about 1 year apart (2018 & 2019) but have been combined for efficiency.
In truth, I am certain that this continued to occur after 2019 as I have had similar experiences since this time and continues more often than once a year as the concern over ascension continues.
At this time, I am not sure if this situation is happening throughout the world or only in North America.
Part 1 (2018):
Hi Bob,
I wanted to ask you about a very strange occurrence that happened to me recently and affected me for nearly a week and I am now starting to feel back to normal.
I was hoping to get some feedback from the Great White Brotherhood on what happened:
On Thursday night, just after 10 pm my time, I was getting into bed for the night before going to work the next morning. I got into bed and got comfortable, the window behind and above my head was open a little and there is a screen to keep out the bugs, so I could hear what was going on outside, but because it was late at night, it was still and quiet.
I was getting comfortable when all of a sudden, I felt this sensation come into the top left side of my head and it made me feel dizzy and woozy.
It seemed temporary and didn’t last long, so I didn’t think much of it.
Right after that, I heard this very strange sound coming from outside my window and seemed to be coming from near the roof of the house. My youngest cat was on the bed as well and was staring out the window in the direction of the noise, which was coming from the upper left side of the window.
I looked up and behind me but I could not see anything, but I could still hear the noise, which was not a constant noise, but came and went in a regular pattern. I can’t really describe the noise because I have never heard anything like it. There was a bit of a grinding or scraping sound to it, but like I said, I have never heard this noise before and it sounded like it was happening right outside the window, upwards and near or on the roof.
So, I really didn’t think anything of it and I assumed it would stop, but it didn’t and I got so curious that I got out of bed and looked out the window, looking all around, but I could not see anything. The sound was still coming and going, but I could not see anything.
I then decided to go downstairs, get a flashlight and go outside and see if I could see anything. Unfortunately, a flashlight was not handy, so it took quite a while to find one and by the time I went outside to look around, I saw nothing and the noise stopped.
I came back in and went back to sleep, but this time instead of lying on my back, I rolled over onto my side and the whole room started spinning and I felt overwhelmed with dizziness and almost sick to my stomach. I quickly rolled onto my back and with both hands applied pressure to my eyes and eye sockets and that seemed to stop the dizziness. I tried rolling over onto my other side and the same thing happened… so, you can imagine that I did not get a very good sleep that night and I didn’t go into work in the morning as I felt really awful.
This continued on with less intensity through to Sunday morning when I felt a lot better and now, I feel pretty good, except when I started thinking about the dizziness as I was writing this message, I started feeling off again and I still feel the sensations I felt before.
Also, I asked the Great White Brotherhood for help when it was happening because it was the same type of sensations I had before when I listened to that binaural music at work and had to come home and the GWB helped me with that.
However, this time I was simply going to bed on Thursday night and had a regular day, nothing special that I can recount.
So, I was wondering if you could ask the GWB about that strange occurrence Thursday night and the after effects I have felt.
This is a reply to your question concerning last Thursday.
I asked the GWB, here is what they said:
We are aware that certain areas are being targeted by a governmental organization that is broadcasting certain nauseating frequencies towards earth.
The nature of these frequencies is such that not all people are affected.
The experiment is designed to target people who are rising in spirituality, to create the feeling of illness.
Thus, if the evil ones can monitor the number of people who are too unwell to go to work the next day or contact a doctor or a hospital, a rough idea of the percentage of any population rising in spiritual frequency can be estimated.
The more a person is advanced, the harder he is hit.
So, this experiment is being projected from space either from satellites or from secret aircraft.
All is vibration.
If the bad people can choose the correct frequency, the effect happens.
However, it is unlikely for any area to be targeted again as the experiment will move all over USA and Canada.
Part 2 of the message (2019):
Hi Bob,
Almost a year ago, I sent you a message about a very strange thing that happened. I just went to bed for the night and was settling into sleep when I heard this strange noise coming from outside. It was as if the gutters on the roof were vibrating very loud and even the cat was looking out the window.
I am wondering if it happened again.
A few days ago, over the weekend, I went into the bathroom and just as I entered, I could hear a loud strange noise coming from outside the window. I stopped to listen but there were other noises happening in the house because we had guests here. I immediately thought it was that noise again.
Anyway, I wasn’t sure, so I put it to the back of my mind. Well, for the last two days, at least, I have felt awful. No energy and very sore and sick like.
I asked the GWB as usual, here is their reply:
It is back again.
Although we thought that it would not be repeated, what the evil ones are doing is hitting the same areas that had high readings a year ago, to see if there is any change.
If the number of people who report sick this time or if the degree of sickness increases, the people conducting this experiment will know that spirituality is on the increase.
What concerns these people is, of course, ascension. They are aware of it and of the effect that it is having on their evil plans.
If people can avoid staying away from work or can avoid seeing a doctor, that will be one less person that the evil ones will be aware of. But they must decide of course.
We will not mention who these evil people are but you can work it out for yourselves.
Please do not mention names over the internet.
All people can do is to get as much rest as possible, plus a few painkillers – preferably from a stock they might have at home.
They should avoid talking about this bout of illness to work colleagues.
End of GWB message.
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