The context of this message is a discussion that Bob and I (Guy) had many years ago about being guided. It provides some important information and insights into the spiritual world:
The person who gave me information was not my normal contact guide (uncle Arthur).
This man had a much deeper voice.
I don’t know who he was and I didn’t ask but it does show that there is always someone monitoring communications between us and them.
Sounds like there is an open intercom between you and the Great White Brotherhood.
I don’t know if it is open all the time, as I sort of go into a meditative state before greeting them.
Once our conversation is finished, I return to my normal state.
This implies, of course, that while I am talking to them, I am in an altered state.
It is one of the Alpha states not far from sleep which is why it is so tiring to do telepathy.
So, I would not say that I have open communication with them but they are never far away.
I will also say that if I need their help for something urgent – fortunately very rare – I bypass all the protective stuff and just ask for their help, and they are always there.
But, equally, if I just try to speak to them without doing the protective ritual, they answer but tell me that they will not answer any questions until I do the protective ritual. So that implies that protection is important.
Thank you for providing that insight.
Yes, I agree that the protection seems to be a very important part of the process. I always ask for protection but there has been a time or two when it was an emergency and I just called out – in my mind of course – to the GWB for help.
You will find that they are always there to help you. The GWB protect their own, and their families.
Don’t forget also, that you have a personal guide and if he (or she) senses danger he (she) will spring into action.
Good point, I forget about my personal guide, which is sad because they are with me always.
With the guide(s) we may have, we are more than covered for life.
I really should learn to listen for their guidance more often.
I cannot speak for you, but my existence is linked to theirs at all times.
I never feel alone.
I may be out shopping but I am aware that they are with me.
They do not interfere with me but they are there, like a parent.
They are with us at all times, are helping and guiding us through the trials and tribulations of life.
I am happy that I have been guided to this point. I feel like I would have been lost and in a dark place. I was heading in a bad direction at one point.
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