I thought it interesting that, on the far side of the moon, the “dumbing down” machine is linked to our vibration(s).
Even this is a puzzle.
If we all have individual vibrations, how can there be a machine that links with all of us?
Give me a minute and I will ask the Great White Brotherhood.
The answer is weird:
There is an aspect of individual vibrations that we have not mentioned because it is complicated.
It is that, as all is one, there is actually only one frequency for all things. It is a part of the makeup of life that appears to give individual frequencies to all things but is one, unique frequency.
It is an aspect of life that we have not yet mentioned and we intend to explain this in future books (from the time that this message was received in 2018) but it is a part of existence that we have so far not mentioned.
I agree on the weirdness… I guess I can think about there being one core frequency that we are all associated with, but I thought in the Aura’s book that there are all these slightly different frequencies off of the core frequency… how that works I have no idea.
I can’t even understand how there is a bunch of frequencies all contained in one dimension, but they are all slightly different but can all be bundled into the same dimension… that is outside of my current ability to visualize how that actually works.
When I read the words I can follow along, but to be able to actually understand how it works and put it into practice is another thing entirely.
Anyway, pretty good cliff hanger the GWB gave us.
Don’t forget that what the GWB sometimes tell us is not the whole truth because we would not be able to accept it all.
So, I think they said that we have unique frequencies to get us used to that idea (and it is probably true up to a point) but then they, one day, give us the full story.
So quite how this frequency concept works, I don’t know.
It may be that there is just one frequency but our individual consciousness creates a personal version, but I am only guessing.
What they did say is that we all have a personal file in the Akashic Record, so there must be a sense of individuality coming from somewhere.
Yes, I do try to keep that in mind.
Now, is consciousness a frequency? I assume it could be, since that is all that there is.
Everything comes from God and God is starlight.
Therefore, consciousness is a subset of light.
Light is vibration so everything, including consciousness is vibration.
The only problem is that there is only one consciousness.
There is only one of everything, including all people.
So, we go round and around.
To download this lesson, please click on the following link:
PDF - One Frequency For All Things