Opening The Door

You said something interesting.
You mentioned that you did not recall that I spoke about the DNA of everything being altered because it was so foreign to your previous beliefs.
My guides spoke about this once.
If a subject is outside of a person’s ability to comprehend then, for that person, it does not exist.
I had a problem with that concept but, from what you said, it seems to be true.
As you could not accept what I said, for you, I did not say it.

Now, something else.
Einstein once said that we cannot solve a problem from the level of that problem, we must look at it from a higher level.
What I think this means is that, if we are stuck in our 3D reality and can only see time and space from a Newtonian point of view, we are somewhat victims of that reality.
If we can rise to a higher dimension then we are able to manipulate this lower, 3D, reality,
This is because the space/time that we experience is an illusion, a sort of hologram, as we have previously discussed. It is real but only from that lower point of view.
As and when we can activate a higher part of us and allow that higher part to look through our eyes, we can not only see through the illusion but actually create the illusion.

Now, this, of course begs the question, when we are stuck in 3D illusion, who is creating it?
Once again, I have to say that we create it but in a very limited, somewhat static way.
If we can operate from a higher perspective, then we can more easily manipulate the space/time that we experience.
Did not the ancient Greeks have this concept of Gods looking down from on high manipulating us down here? The thing is though, the Gods on high are actually us, working through our higher selves.

One of my guides once said about this sort of thing, ‘By acceptance, is all made easy and opens the door to more being introduced.’
So, I suppose we must cogitate on all this until it becomes part of our reality and then, we can start, actively, to manipulate space/time reality – that will be fun.

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