If this other alternative galaxy to ours is all about peace, and every individual sphere was in peace with one another and it didn’t seem to have anything that disrupted peace, or, it was able to be at peace with anything… and if our galaxy is exploring the concept of love, why does it seem that our galaxy is not the same as this other galaxy? Love may be the underlining theme, but it seems that our love is very divided and not at all at harmony with one another.
I am sure that at the heart of all that happens in our galaxy is love, but the problem seems to be that the love that happens in one part of the earth is not the same love on another part.
Can the Great White Brotherhood make a comment on my statement?
This galaxy that they have described seems to be in perfect harmony with itself, at total peace, yet our “loving” galaxy seems to be at odds.
I have asked the Great White Brotherhood about it, here is their answer:
There are several answers to the question posed.
They will all be addressed as the book unfolds so we do not want to say too much at the moment. But we wish you to realise that the various entities that infiltrated our galaxy from a galaxy exploring the theme of hate has had a profound effect on people – and still has.
Also, the swing of the pendulum, which applies to our galaxy more than others, needed evil to manifest itself.
But, as we swing into positivity, love will begin to manifest itself more and more.
We will also say that the galaxy that we are describing is a lot older than ours and so has had time to develop the prime creative force; peace.
Our galaxy is relatively young by comparison and so it is still in its infancy and needs time to come to terms with its prime directive; love.
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PDF - Our Galaxies Prime Directive