Out Of Body Experience – OBE

This message is being shared as a warning or caution to anyone else who may experience this.
I share it, essentially unedited so everyone can learn from my experience.

This was in mid 2019 and nothing bad happened to me or has happened to me since this experience and I have not experienced it since, to my knowledge.

Hi Bob,

I decided to meditate since the house is quiet right now.

All was well and I was getting more and more relaxed and settling in.
Nothing was really different but suddenly, I felt a very strong presence come into my body – or aura I suppose – and I thought that something was trying to rip me out of my body.

Well, I didn’t go anywhere but the presence of something was very strong, stronger than I have ever felt.
At the time that it happened, I could sense it physically and I was very aware that it was happening.

I could feel it in almost my entire body – that it was affected in some way.

It was pretty forceful and almost seemed like someone was forcing their way into me.
I don’t believe it was a bad thing, but whatever it was, I know you were there!

Then it was over, as I felt something withdraw from me and very shortly after that I could tell that the meditation session was over and now I am sending this message to you.

So, if that was one of my guides, and I don’t know if it was, they certainly made their presence known!

I spoke to the Great White Brotherhood about what happened to you.

They said that you almost had an out of body experience.

You know what I mean?

They said this may or may not have been dangerous but is not something you should encourage. So, if it happens again, stop meditating immediately and return to your awake state and then try meditating again.

Ok, thanks for letting me know.

Is that different than Astral Projection?
Because it didn’t feel anything like AP.

It honestly felt like something was entering me, not me leaving my body, but it also felt like I was getting ripped out of my body and I was totally aware that it was happening.

Is an out of body experience different than AP?

It is a sort of Astral Projection.

Be careful with that.

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