Overshadowed By A Guide

This message is being shared to help anyone who is working on their spiritual path and might experience symptoms or sensations as described below.
Even if you have not yet started on your journey and are still in the information collection phase, this could possibly help you when the moment comes.

However, each person’s experience can and will be different but there is only one path with many parallel paths leading to the same destination.

Hi Bob,

I have a question with regard to meditation.
I have spent some time just recently in meditation.
What I was wondering is happening with me when I get a very painful sensation in my head.
It gets so painful sometimes, that I have to stop meditating.

I assume it is in the so-called 3rd eye area, but I am not certain.

I don’t know if my guide(s) and/or the Great White Brotherhood are doing something that is causing so much pain, but I do my best to hang in there and take whatever it is that they or something is doing or happening to me, but it just gets to be too much, and I have to make it stop.
I might be able to hang in there for a minute or two, but then it is just too much to take.

It is a painful pressure / feeling in my head in the front portion and a little bit on the right side more than the left.

I am just wondering why it hurts so much and what is actually going on?

I am sorry that you get these dreadful head pains.
I will have a word with the GWB and see if I can find out what is going on.

I can only assume that the pain and discomfort is going to be worth it in the end.
It felt like there was after-effects from the meditation long after and throughout the day.

So, if it is the so-called short-term pain for long-term gain, then I am all for it.

Just so you know, before you speak with the GWB, and I would assume that they are already aware, the pain only occurs during the meditation. If I break out of the meditation because the pain is too great, it is gone, no more pain happens.

So, I assume that the pain is from something happening during the meditation from maybe the light or maybe my guides are re-wiring my poor old brain…

Also, I am not in too much pain.
Yes, it hurts and I need to stop sometimes, but I am not in real pain. It is only a very brief period and if it is too much, I stop the meditation and so the pain stops immediately.
The pain does not go on after.
The after-effects I mentioned were good post-meditation after-effects, meaning I felt like I could still feel the connection or the peaceful and loving effects of the meditation.
All is good.
I am really just curious as to why it hurts and what actually is going on.

I got in touch with the GWB and they kindly gave me this advice to pass on to you:

What is happening is an overshadowing by a guide.
Now, until the guide and Guy get used to balancing the energy being sent by the guide, it can be a very powerful connection.
This is of itself beneficial, in that the closer the connection between the guide and Guy, the more progress that can be made, but obviously, if that connection is so strong that it is perceived by Guy as pain and thus causes Guy to break off the connection, it is counterproductive.

So, what we suggest is that when Guy next meditates, as soon as he feels this pain, which is actually the guide taking over the meditation process, Guy askes the guide to withdraw a bit until the pain lessens and it becomes bearable.
He should inform the guide when a bearable point has been reached and then just relax and allow the guide to work on strengthening the connection between them, which is what the guide is working on.
Eventually, the connection will strengthen to the point that the guide can influence Guy without him feeling any pain.
But we do not want Guy to suffer.

It is power being sent down an aura that is connected to the brow chakra.
That is the chakra point that is used to allow telepathy to occur but we need a balance between the power being sent down that aura and into the chakra – and finally Guy’s mind.
If it is out of balance (too strong or too weak) it is not what is required.

This balance can be achieved but Guy needs to tell the guide to go slowly until the chakra and the mind strengthen sufficiently so that telepathy can be achieved.

Thank you Bob and the GWB,

Yes, that makes perfect sense to me.
I was meditating before you sent me your message, but I had to take a brief break from the meditation and I read your message, thank you.
So, I went back to meditating and used the GWB’s advice.

True or not, I could perceive the interaction a bit better and I did as the GWB suggested.
I sent out thoughts as to when the power was too much or too little.
This time the power was only slightly becoming painful when I would send out a thought that I could feel it and it would back off a bit.

So, I would deem that a success.

I thanked the guide(s) and told them I was very grateful and also thanked you and the GWB.

Don’t be shy about speaking with your guide.
Within reason, the more you push talking to them, the more they will answer.
Obviously, there is a limit but I am sure that your guide would very much like you to link with them.

So, try talking to them and see if you get answers but don’t get downhearted if you don’t hear answers straight away.
Telepathy is a slow process but nothing ventured nothing gained.

Think of some questions that your guide could easily answer and ask.
If you don’t get an answer straight away, keep asking.
Remember that this guide is only a thought away and is looking forward to working with you just as you are looking forward to working with them.
Don’t forget to ask God to send his angels to stand guard over the communication and, once you have finished, thank God again for the protection you had.

When we realize that we are linking with someone in a totally different dimension to us, it is staggering.
I still find it amazing that I can talk to people in a different dimension.
Once we can do it, it seems so natural but I never take it for granted.
I am still surprised that we can learn to do this.

I am very grateful to have you provide me with some knowledge and guidance or I would be somewhat lost.
I realize that it would work itself out eventually, but as the GWB have stated before, knowledge advances the process.
So, knowing that there is some guide trying to connect with me helps me to recognize the feelings.
As you know, there are a lot of things happening to us when we meditate, so I don’t really know what is going on unless something significant happens like I get a vision or something specific happens.
When I am usually meditating, I am getting all kinds of sensations and experiences, so I just let things be and just try to keep still and observe what is happening.

Now that I know that the guide is trying to connect with me through that means of sensation, I can possibly help.

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