Physicality Does Not Exist

Little story:
Yesterday evening I was working with my guide on a chapter from the book and our black cat Chalkie, who was sleeping peacefully on a cushion at the side of my desk, suddenly stood up and came to sit on my writing pad.
Nothing I could do would move her.
She even bit me at one stage, which is not like her.

So, I called to my wife to assist because I could not write with her sitting on my writing pad.
I told my guide that there would be a short intermission while we sorted the cat’s problem out.
Then it occurred to me to ask my guide if he could see the cat?
He told me that he had learned to see through my eyes and he could see the cat and the desk perfectly just as I was looking at events unrolling.
So, I then asked him what someone else might see?
He replied that this was more difficult, as physicality does not exist so, our cat does not physically exist.
He said that all anyone would see would be the orb of energy that was the spiritual version of the cat.

I found that very interesting.

I have read this again and I too find it quite interesting but I still can’t wrap my mind around what others would see.
I can accept that your guide has learned to see through your eyes and both of you are already connected through the telepathy that both of you have learned, so that all seems possible.

Now, is your guide telling you that if someone else was linking with you in telepathy and they tried to see what you see they would only see the orb of energy that is the spiritual representation of the cat?

All things that they would see through your eyes would just be the spiritual energy orbs that are the true version of what you are seeing imagined in incarnation?

Is that basically what your guide was referring to?

I would like to better explain what my guide told me about seeing into our realm.

My guides explanation was in two parts.
1. He said that he could see through my eyes and could see exactly what I can see.
2. Then I asked him what a totally different person from the spirit world who tried to see into physicality would see.
That was when he said that physicality doesn’t really exist and so a different person would see nothing physical, as there is nothing to see. All, that person would see would be the etheric or spiritual form of our cat, which would just be a ball of energy.

Can you now see the difference?

One was what my guide sees and the second question was what a totally different person from the spirit world would see.

Thinking about it, I should imagine that my guide learned to see through my eyes so that he could see physicality, which only exists for us who are in physicality.
Had he not done this, he would just see me and our world as orbs of energy.

He can link to our world by using my eyes.

A clever trick.

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