Pieces Of The Puzzle – Hologram

As I re-read some of your messages, thoughts and images came to me that humans are individual pieces from a huge puzzle.
I had an image of God, or the Director of Life, or someone, with a big bag of puzzle pieces getting dumped onto the Earth constantly, which I interpreted as new incarnations.
Since the puzzle pieces are getting dumped all over the Earth, they of course are not in the right places to click together, so the puzzle pieces need to search out for their mate to connect together… physically or mentally.
That’s all that came to me, so I am left to interpret that, humans are always seeking out their other pieces to put the puzzle back together, but because we are just one piece of the puzzle, we can’t see the full puzzle, but as we come together, we can start to see it better…

I`m thinking now, that the puzzle I imagined, extends into all universes and all the pieces of the puzzle extend throughout the universes, and all the pieces have to seek out their mates to click together…

Wow, I`m sure that has been said so many other ways, and perhaps just the way I said it, but the thoughts and images that came to me made it easier to understand…

These spiritual concepts are very difficult to grasp.
Jesus, I noticed, often used little analogies, or stories to illustrate a spiritual point he was trying to make.
I learned to do much the same.
When I was in England and we had our spiritual centre, or even at work during coffee breaks, people would ask me spiritual questions and I would often try to find a little story to tell to illustrate the point.
So, I think that it is a good way of helping us to understand quite complex areas of spirituality.

You mentioned a puzzle.
However, someone used a different analogy – a hologram.
Apparently, if we have a holographic image on a sheet of glass, and we smash that glass into many small pieces, each piece contains the same original image.
That is how I visualise God.
If we have a sheet of glass with the image of God on it, in holographic form, and we smash it into a myriad pieces, each tiny piece will contain the image of God.
So, we can imagine God, the all that is, as the holographic picture, and then we, humans, animals and plants, as the tiny fragments, these fragments would still have the image of God – our higher self.
That helps me visualise God as the overall creator and we, as tiny fragments but still with the God spirit in us.

This is the secret to life.

If we can accept that we are total God, imagine the power that we would have if we unlocked that power.
However, the problem is that God is neutral – neither good nor evil but just spiritual power.
So, if we all had that God power at full strength at our disposition, the good people would be using it to create positive things, but the evil people would be using it to destroy.
As destruction is easier than creation, destruction would soon have the upper hand.

That is why most of us only have a fraction of the power given to us.
We can get more and more of it given to us by doing good, but we have to demonstrate to the directors of life that we really are on the side of good before it is released into our grasp.

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