Pigeonhole In Your Mind

As I have mentioned before, you cannot accept any thought, concept, idea until you have a pigeonhole in your mind in which to store that concept or idea.

So, you would not be able to accept what you see as you look around you unless you had your memory stocked with these images.
You need all these different things stored in your mind as a concept so that when, for example you see a chair or a table or a dog or a cat and so on, your mind says, ‘Oh yes, I know what that is, so I can accept it.’

These different images are stored in the template level (not in our mind as such but as a place we can visit, although it is within us).
All dimensions are multi leveled and each level deals with a specific “something”.
So, possibly before you actually incarnated here, you went through these planes full of pictures of all that we have here on Earth – that some call template levels – so that, when you incarnated, you could look around and say: cot, room, blanket, food, people, light, dark and so on. These concepts would have already been accepted into your mind.
As you grew and explored your world so you saw more and more things that you could recognise and accept.
From time to time, you would see something or hear an idea that you didn’t have a pigeonhole made for. Those things you would not be able to accept as real – at least for the time being.
You may have heard of a group of people out together and one sees a UFO but the rest don’t.
That is because only one had the pigeonhole prepared.

This, also, is why we are struggling so much with this parallel reality idea(s). We have some pigeonholes prepared in our minds but not enough to accept all that the subject requires us to accept.

To give an example from my personal experience.
When I am talking to my guides, particularly when I am writing stuff down, they will say a word that comes across muffled. I ask them to repeat the word and it is still muffled. It is because I don’t have that word in my vocabulary so I can’t accept it. I ask them to spell the word but it still doesn’t work.
That is why, before I started to be given the book the Stairway To Freedom, they sent me on some years of studying English and becoming a teacher so I had a maximum level of knowledge of English language and the discipline to concentrate on a project for however long it took to complete. Teacher training gave me that.

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