A strange thing happened to me as I was meditating.
I was suddenly taken into a strange area that I can’t really describe.
This came and went over a period of time, plunging me into this place and then bringing me back to normal, only to plunge me back into this strange area again.
Once it stopped, I asked the Great White Brotherhood what was going on.
Here is their reply:
What happened, was that we were trying to take you into a deeper level than you normally go so that we will be able to impress on your mind and thoughts in a more efficient manner.
Telepathy can use a number of channels to make communication work.
The type that we normally use is fairly basic (which is how the books are written) but there are other levels that do not need voice communications.
It is possible, if one can open a sort of portal straight into the mind, to transfer thoughts directly as blocks of information.
This requires a different level of telepathy and we need to develop this portal from you to us or rather from us to you.
It can be used in both directions and is a very useful manner of transferring large blocks of information instantaneously.
Not everyone can develop this but we hope that, by working on your mind, to be able to make this work.
For you to remember a block of information is another matter.
But we can work on that also.
End of message from the GWB.
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PDF - Portal Straight Into The Mind - Telepathy