Might I suggest that, to help you develop telepathy, you get a writing pad, and pen, of course, and when you want to know about a topic or subject, instead of typing it up on the computer, you write down your thoughts onto the writing pad.
That way, instead of actually thinking carefully about what you want to know or learn, you can relax and just let the pen flow over the page, so to speak.
Then you will find – I hope – that, providing you don’t concentrate too hard on what you want to learn about, gradually your thoughts will start to flow as a guide takes over and writes for you.
You are just the scribe. Someone else is writing the message.
Once the message is finished, you can always go over it and delete the stuff you wrote at the beginning if it is not of the same quality as that which follows.
Now this, automatic writing, may or may not happen at first.
But if you write down the answer to each question onto the writing pad, eventually a guide will direct your hand.
Then you just type what you have written down on the writing pad into the message on your computer.
This is what I have been doing for many years and it seems to work for me so it should for you.
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