Reasons For An Incarnation

Hi Bob,

We know how the Great White Brotherhood have told us that there is a hellish part of the upper 4th and that people who do less than holy things go there because of the law of mutual attraction and their consciousness/personality.
They have also mentioned in at least one book that some beings lower themselves into “hell” to try and help those people move out of the lower levels.
They also mention that people, from time to time, have an incarnation to try and “test the waters” and help people…

Is there a connection here that I am trying to make?

Is it a coincidence that people in heaven go into hell to try and help people and that beings have an incarnation to try and help people?

Am I thinking wrong?

I am thinking that there is some kind of link here, between hell and Earth.

I realize that we die here and disappear from the Earth, which seems to be different than what happens in hell, but it seems to me to be too much of a coincidence that beings come to Earth to try and help us just like beings go into hell to try and help people…

What do you think?

I am struggling once again to understand an incarnation.

Is an incarnation just a different version of going to hell?
It doesn’t seem to be the case because of the way the Earth is constructed and all the animals and so forth, but I just can’t shake this thought about people going from heaven into hell to help people and people coming from heaven to Earth to help people.
There must be a reason for it or there would be no reason for someone like Jesus to come to Earth.
We would just come to Earth to help the animals and return energy to God and that would be that. We would return to heaven and carry on, having done our duty on Earth.
But there seems to be more to it than that.

I think that you have, more or less, hit the nail on the head.

However, there is a bit of a difference between hell and incarnation.
People who go to hell, generally, are those who have had an incarnation, followed the dark path and as a result, must go to hell when their incarnation is finished.
So, those who choose to spend time visiting hell are those brave spirits who go down to hell to help those who have finished up there due to their incarnations and following the left hand path.

So, we have 2 sorts of brave spirits.

1. We have the Jesus types who incarnate to point out to all people incarnate that we should follow the right hand path.
2. Then we have those who descend into hell to help those misguided people who, through wrong actions when incarnate, finish up in hell when their incarnations are finished.

Does this answer your question?

I think that what I was really pondering was why is it that people descend from heaven into hell to help others and the same thing seems to happen on Earth.
That led me to wonder if there was some link between hell and Earth.

After additional pondering on the topic, I remembered and considered a few more things:

• The Earth is a melting pot of personalities as part of the great design / experiment of the Gods. It just so happens that the God of love’s creation was chosen as the host of this experiment. It also just so happens that the God of love is the God that created humans. So, Earth cannot just be an extension of hell, because Earth is being used as a great experiment for the various Gods to understand how all their various personalities can co-exist and likely, how humans, and God evolves through this melting pot experiment.
• As Earth is a great place for evolution and self-awareness, I also feel like an incarnation on Earth is like a decision point for spirits to choose their future path through life. Earth is a place where people can truly decide if a path less holy is what they want to continue or pursue. I think that as part of our spiritual development, many spirits that, before they chose to incarnate, were already showing the signs of going down the path of negativity or were truly unsure of what they wanted to do. Their guides obviously know all about an Earthly incarnation experience, so it is a good way to allow someone to fast track their decision of positive or negative. This is not the case for all spirits, but it does allow for those who are either wanting to chose the negative path to experience something less horrible than hell and then can change their mind, or is for those who are sitting on the fence and need a kick in the pants, so to speak, and an experience to wake them up and get them to make s choice. I know that is not exactly right, but I am just thinking of concepts and thinking out loud.
• Like hell, those who incarnate that have come here to either verify that they wish to pursue the negative path or are on the fence, great beings incarnate to “test the waters” as the GWB have mentioned, to see if these people still choose that path, or wish to begin to follow the positive path. It’s very similar to the situation in hell, but it must be easier to change your ways though an incarnation than it is to try and work your way up from hell.

So, I truly do not see the Earth as a prison planet or hell, but a great experiment of the God’s and archangels and also the place where those who think they want to follow the negative path or are totally unsure or on the fence about things have an opportunity to get an experience of darkness and light in one place and choose the path they wish to take.

These are the latest of my thoughts on the planet Earth and one or more of the reasons for an incarnation.

Please let me know your thoughts.

I have been told that, generally, people who incarnate do so because they have not yet decided about God.
We meet lots of people who do not believe that God exists.
So, from what I have been told, people incarnate in order to meet good and bad people.
This gives us a chance to decide on which side we are on.
For instance, there are people who keep cats and dogs in dreadful conditions and then kill and eat them.
There are people who kill and eat them without a second thought and then there are those who are horrified at the thought of killing pets.

I will tell you a story.
When I worked at a college, the biology department ordered a dead rabbit in order to cut it up and show the various bits and pieces to the students. But, when it was taken out of the box it arrived in, it was still alive.
None of the biology teachers would kill it so it was taken to the kitchens and the chefs were asked to kill it. They all refused despite the fact that they dealt with dead animals every day.
So, it was taken back to the laboratory that sent it to us.
It shows that even people who are not vegetarian draw the line at killing animals.

But there are people on Earth that treat both animals and humans dreadfully.
We would not meet such depraved people in heaven.
It is only on Earth that we meet.

So, incarnation gives us the opportunity either to join with the evil ones or to reject them.
That, I think, is the reason for incarnation.

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