Rejecting Negative Concepts

Reality is that which we want to be real.

It is a strange concept and difficult to “wrap one’s mind around’.

We see something on TV – whatever it might be – and, if we accept it to be true, then we land up in that reality.
If we can watch the same event on TV and say, ‘I do not want this’, then it will not affect us.

However, the hard bit is this.
We are so brainwashed to think that what is happening somewhere must be true for all of us, it does become true.
When we can totally, absolutely realise, that it is not true and will not be true for us, then it will never be true.

But rejecting negative concepts, absolutely, totally to the point where they have no meaning to us is very, very difficult.

It is in part – quite a lot, actually – connected to raising our frequency through meditation.
Then, as our higher self pushes out ego based fear and negativity, we start, little by little, to be able to alter things.

Ego is part of our fight/flight, mind/brain “reality”.

When ego gets reduced, and our higher self takes over, we can alter the reality we live in.
It is not easy to realise and not easy to put into effect, but it can be done.

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