Remote Viewing Bashar

A group of Remote Viewers performed sessions on the target of Bashar, they all came back with very interesting information and some of what was shown was asked about and this is what the Great White Brotherhood said:

We stand by what we said which is Bashar is a machine.
All the confusing thoughts that the remote viewers felt, was from the AI machine.

But then the feminine figure was from a guide that has been placed with Darryl Anka to protect him from the long-term effects of this negative machine.

We allow this communication to take place between the AI machine and Darryl because:
(a) so far, Bashar has only given positive advice, not dissimilar to the advice we give.
(b) people have free will and it is not our place to interfere.

If and when the negative side of the artificial intelligence kicks in and gives bad advice, we will put a stop to it but, for the moment, Bashar is helping, even though this help is just to get people’s confidence.

But the feminine spirit is a guide, one might also say an angel, that is placed with Darryl to protect him from possession by this machine.

That is what they said.
Assuming what they said is true, it sheds some light on what the Remote Viewers said.
One of them spoke of dark and light.
Dark, I assume, is from the machine and light is from the guide.

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