Remote Viewing has to be a form of clairvoyance – seeing clearly.
What they do is reach out with an aura and see or feel what is already in existence in what we call the future.
Some Remote Viewers are starting to recognise that it is psychic in nature.
Now, I was taught to do this and I will explain how I was taught.
It is simple.
I was told to sit down as if I was going to meditate, calm my emotions and body sensations, close my eyes, do all the protection stuff and quite simply try to reach out into nothingness with my mind. Try to project my intention of going into the future.
Then, when I come back to normal, make a note of what I saw when projecting.
Do this for a few minutes each day, without straining, and just let my mind learn to reach out into the unknown.
It was simply my intention going out and drawing back information.
At first it is garbage but, gradually, one can truly see into the future.
Now, we need a target. I was taught to concentrate on the futures that were before me so that I could choose the best one for me.
Remote Viewers concentrate on other targets.
The only problem is that there are crossroads in futures. The future is not set in stone.
One can see a certain way into the future but then we come to a crossroad. Two separate possible futures.
As we go on, there are more and more crossroads so that it is quite impossible to see “the” future.
That is why many predictions do not come to fruition – parallel universes play a role.
Also, of course, one has to learn to differentiate between truth and imagination.
But that is how I was taught to see into the future.
I have not done this for a long time because I did not feel the need.
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PDF - Remote Viewing & How To See Into The Future