There is a Remote Viewing video from the Farsight Institute of the Phoenix lights ET event.
If you have not watched this video, it is very important.
It describes aliens in 1999, I think, able to communicate with remote viewers in 2015 – 16 years in their future.
The important bit to understand is this.
Remote Viewing is quite simply the remote viewers reaching out with their auras to “see” and “hear” what is going on somewhere. This “somewhere” can be the past, present or future. Time does not exist, only sequence of events exists.
So, the remote viewers were able to both see and talk to aliens 16 years in the viewer’s past and the aliens considered it perfectly normal to communicate on an auric level with humans 16 years in their future.
There is a great lesson to be learned from this video. The stuff both I and you have been discussing for a while now.
Thanks Bob, just finished watching the video.
Truly a great video and more proof that all this is true.
One small thing that was said that is very interesting was when the ET said that we think the stars we see in the night sky are burning gas things, he actually said it’s holes in our dimension that leak or allow energy from another dimension to be seen.
That is incredible if true.
I also liked him saying it’s all up to us, no one is coming to save us.
It was interesting to me to hear him say he felt we were the most advanced species because of our great limitations, trying to figure out who we are and if we could do that, then anything could and that other civilizations were very interested in that aspect of us.
It’s too hard to comprehend that there are other civilizations out there experiencing things similar to us.
Anyway, thanks for the video, very mind opening.
With regards to the remote viewing technique, it is still way beyond me to understand how you can do that. I am still trying to master meditation.
Don’t forget also, that our sun is also a porthole into another dimension. Can you imagine the power that is leaking through from that dimension if we see the sun as this mass of burning something? That is why, occasionally, spaceships are seen coming out of the sun.
The question to which I don’t have an answer is this. All the billions of stars, are they entrances to just one dimension or are they entrances to billions of dimensions?! Each star, an entrance into a separate dimension? This would be another chapter in the series of subjects that I have been talking about – but I am not going to even try to tackle that one unless I have to.
We are special to our space brothers because we are the only ones that live on the surface of a planet, with all of its problems.
Everyone else lives in the astral realms and can manipulate their reality so much more easily. So, they don’t really experience things as we do. They use thought to travel with and thought to meet other people and so on.
It is only when they reduce their frequency and come down to a physical level, that they must travel using frequency, as I said in a video.
This planet Earth is totally unique in all of our galaxy. That is why there is such interest at the moment.
We are going through this ascension process and will rise to meet them soon. Therefore, they are waiting to greet us into their reality.
Bob, a lot of what you have been speaking about recently with UFO’s is helping to connect everything together remarkably well.
I also read your message about remote viewing. I really like that you state that anyone can do it, it is just hard to imagine when meditation is difficult.
Let me say, that everyone struggles with meditation. Stilling the monkey mind is the hardest thing that anyone will ever learn to do so don’t think that it is just you. I still struggle.
I have learned that it takes a lot of energy to meditate and control my mind.
If I am tired, I can’t do it at all. I need to be really refreshed and full of energy before I can successfully meditate.
Always remember, the higher self (HS) knows the answers as the HS is God. Therefore, if and when we can let the HS guide us through life, we always get the answers correct. That is why we are never taught that we have a HS. We would be free from the traps that the evil ones set us.
To download this lesson, please click on the following link:
PDF - Remote Viewing | Sun & Stars | Meditation